
单词 pax
释义 I. pax1|pæks|
Also 6 pex.
[a. L. pax peace, in Christian L. also the kiss of peace.]
a. The Latin word meaning ‘peace’. Obs.
Cf. Pliny, Nat. Hist. xxvii. 3 immensa Romanae pacis maiestate.
The Latin word is familiar in certain legal phrases, as Pax Dei, pax Ecclesiæ, pax Regis, the peace of God, the Church, the king's peace; so pax Romana, the peace which reigned between nationalities within the Roman empire (cf. also sense e).
a1485Fortescue Wks. 1869 476 We shulde firste have unite and pax within our land.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. III. 72 Ane man he wes of policie and pax.1664Spelman's Gloss., Pax Dei, Pax Ecclesiæ, Pax Regis.1872Wharton Law Lex. (ed. 5), Pax regis, the king's peace—verge of the court.1884W. J. Clarke tr. Duruy & Mahaffy's Hist. Rome II. i. xxxiv. 201 Later, another form expressed the advantage, which was the compensation for this imperious sway, pax romana, that ‘Roman peace’ destined to draw the nations together and blend all languages,..whose boundless majesty, immensa romanæ pacis majestas, the nations will honour with sincere homage.1888Encycl. Brit. XXIII. 591/1 The pax Romana died with the empire.1934G. B. Shaw On Rocks Pref. 183 We Romans have purchased the pax Romana with our blood.1956A. Toynbee Historian's Approach to Relig. ii. xvi. 212 The final collapse of the Pax Romana in the third century.1974Encycl. Brit. Macropædia II. 371/2 This Pax Romana..ensured the survival and eventual transmission of the classical heritage.
b. Also combined freely with Latinized adjs. to form phrases on the model of pax Romana, as pax aeronautica, pax Americana, pax atomica, pax Britannica, pax Communistica, pax Egyptiana, pax hispanica, pax Sovietica, etc.
1933M. Arlen Man's Mortality ix. 180 These privately-owned stations..were of immense service to intercommunication throughout the world... They were the visible symbols of the pax aeronautica.
1967‘R. Raine’ Wreath for Amer. xxv. 182 The whole Western world..is living under..a Pax Americana, just as the world once lived in peace under a Pax Britannica.1971Newsweek 18 Oct. 17 In the opinion of many European experts, the Kremlin has a more ambitious objective: to alter the staus quo by exchanging the Pax Americana for a Pax Sovietica.1976Times Lit. Suppl. 26 Nov. 1488/5 The ‘Pax Americana’, a phrase which several contributors toss about carelessly, is and was a myth, if meant to take in the world as a whole. There has not been so much peace since the Second World War for the right term to be either Pax or Americana.
1966R. Ardrey Territorial Imperative (1967) viii. 283 Pessimism, under the rule of a Pax Britannica, was a dirty little luxury which any could afford; under a pax atomica it carries small selective value.1969W. Garner Us or Them War xxv. 203 I'll give you a toast, girl. The pax atomica! Long may it last!
1886Jrnl. R. United Service Inst. May 865 We should see Pax Britannica far transcend what Pliny called the ‘immensa Romanæ Pacis Majestas’.1899Westm. Gaz. 9 Dec. 2/2 The wonderful lion which figured in the Poet Laureate's ‘Pax Britannica’ poem.1939E. H. Carr Twenty Years' Crisis v. 104 In the past, Roman and British imperialism were commended to the world in the guise of the pax Romana and the pax Britannica.1960Times 29 Sept. (Nigeria Suppl.) p. x/3 As a result of the Pax Britannica..the population has increased steadily.1967J. Cleary Long Pursuit v. 113 We brought peace to this part of the world, Pax Britannica is more than just a phrase.1969J. Mander Static Society ii. 83 It brought greater stability..than did the pax britannica.1973Listener 1 Feb. 146/2 In the 19th century, the British Navy dictated the Pax Britannica and more or less guaranteed a century of peace.
1946H. Nicolson Diary 22 Aug. (1968) 75 They [sc. the Russians] believe that..people will say in the end, ‘Anything for peace’, and will accept the Pax Scythica or Communistica.
1961L. Mumford City in Hist. iii. 88 There may well have been [in ancient Egypt] a long period, a Pax Egyptiana, that relaxed both the internal tensions and the need for external protection.
1969J. Mander Static Society ii. 83 The centuries of peace under the pax hispanica that shielded Latin Americans.
1945A. Huxley Let. 7 May (1969) 522 One can only hope that the Pax Sovietica may last as long as the Pax Romana.1969Sunday Times 19 Oct. 49 There won't be a Pax Sovietica or anything like it, because the world is too big to be governed by anybody.1977Time 29 Aug. 19/3 Bell-bottom denims, miniskirts and platform shoes have turned Ulan Bator's girls into the prettiest within the Pax Sovietica.
c. Eccl. In Latin salutations and blessings, as pax vobis peace be with you! (see quot. 1885).
1593Peele Edw. I, Wks. (Rtldg.) 381/2 Pax vobis, Pax vobis! good fellows, fair fall ye.1840Barham Ingol. Leg. Ser. i. Grey Dolphin, ‘Of course I shall’, said St. Austin. ‘Pax vobiscum!’—and Abbot Anselm was left alone.1885Cath. Dict. (ed. 3), Pax vobis is said by bishops after the ‘Gloria in Excelsis’. If the ‘Gloria’ be not said, then the bishop's salutation is the same as the priest's—viz. ‘Dominus vobiscum’. The fact that ‘Pax vobis’ was our Lord's Easter greeting to the Apostles made it unsuitable for penitential days.
d. quasi-int. (in schoolboy slang). ‘Keep quiet!’ ‘Truce!’
1852–82Roget Thesaurus §403 Silence... Int. hush! silence! soft! whist! tush! chut! tut! pax!1872Routledge's Ev. Boy's Ann. 615/1 There's been a sort of ‘pax’ called all round.1899Kipling Stalky, In Ambush 4 Pax, Turkey. I'm an ass.’
e. Pax Romana, the name of an international organization of Roman Catholic students. (See also sense a.)
1957M. P. Fogarty Christian Democracy in W. Europe xvii. 263 Catholic graduates of all faculties are linked up through Pax Romana which also includes students.1967D. T. Kauffman Dict. Relig. Terms 349/1 Pax Romana, world organization of Catholic students. In Europe it is called the International Movement of Catholic Students.
2. Eccl. The kiss of peace: see peace n. 4; the ceremony of kissing the pax: see sense 3. rare.
c1440Promp. Parv. 388/1 Pax, of kyssynge (v.r. or kyssynge), osculum, vel osculum pacis.a1548Hall Chron., Rich. III 26 The Cardinall song the masse, and after paxe, the kynge and the quene discended.1568Grafton Chron. II. 802 The sate still vntill the Paxe was geuen.1853Rock Ch. of Fathers IV. xii. 160 The Salisbury rubric was to send, just before the communion, the ‘Pax’ all about the church. This..was conveyed from one to another by a kiss upon the cheek.
3. Eccl. A tablet of gold, silver, ivory, glass, or other material, round or quadrangular, with a projecting handle behind, bearing a representation of the Crucifixion or other sacred subject, which was kissed by the celebrating priest at Mass, and passed to the other officiating clergy and then to the congregation to be kissed; an osculatory.
It came into use during the 13th c. as a symbolic substitute for the kiss of peace: see peace n. 2. In England its use died out after the Reformation; in the Roman Church it is now used in certain monastic communities on special occasions.
c1375Lay Folks Mass Bk. (MS. B.) 514 Þere when þo prest [þo] pax wil kis, knele þou & praye þen þis.c1386Chaucer Pars. T. ⁋333 And eek he waiteth or desireth to sitte or elles to goon aboue hym in the wey or kisse pax, or been encensed or goon to offryng biforn his neighebore.a1450Lydg. Vertue of Masse (c 1505) c j b, The people of loue and hyghe degre Kysse the pax a token of vnyte.1528Tindale Doctr. Treat. (Parker Soc.) 279 Yea to kiss the pax, they think it a meritorious deed.1545Rates of Customs c iij, Paxes the groce xiis.1588Crowley Delib. Answ. 40 b, Innocent the first..inuented the kissing of the Paxe at Masse.1621Burton Anat. Mel. Democr. to Rdr. (1676) 17/1 Had he been present at a Masse, and seen such kissing of Paxes, Crucifixes, Cringes, Duckings [etc.].1670R. Lassels Voy. Italy ii. 389 A rich Pax of Mother of Pearle.1826A. E. Bray De Foix x. (1884) 107 He was next presented with the Pax, which he also solemnly kissed.1840Penny Cycl. XVII. 343.
fig.1589Warner Alb. Eng. vi. xxxi. 136 Her lippes meane while my Pex: Ply Sir (quoth she) your busie trade, you are besides the Tex.
4. transf. (Public School slang.) A friend; good friends. to be good pax, to be good friends.
1781Bentham Mem. & Corr. Wks. 1843 X. 100 If anything should happen to jumble us together, we may perhaps be good pax.1900C. B. Mount Let. to Editor, At Winchester (c 1840) we used to talk of ‘making pax’ with some one, in sense of establishing a friendship: we even used ‘Pax’ in sense of ‘friend’:—‘a great pax of mine’.
II. pax2 Obs.
A corrupt form of pox. In phr. pax on (him, it, etc.)!
1641Brome Jov. Crew iv. i. Wks. 1873 III. 422 Pax o' your fine Thing.1663Dryden Wild Gallant ii. i, Pax on't!1716Addison Drummer iii. i, Pax on him, what do I give him the hearing for!

