
单词 nose-wise
释义 ˈnose-wise, a. Obs.
[f. nose n. + wise a., perh. after Du. neuswijs, LG. näsewîs, G. nase(n)weis (MHG. nasewîse): cf. nese-wise s.v. nese n.]
1. Conceited; clever in one's own opinion.
1566Pasquine in Traunce To Rdr., But nowe me thinketh I heare some nose wise papist, make a very vnnecessarie obiection.1598Bp. Hall Sat. iv. i. 12 My rimes rellish of the Ferule still..Some nose-wise Pedant saith.1630J. Taylor (Water-P.) Wks. ii. 13/2 Ther's not a Puritan, Or any nose-wise foole Precisian.1787W. Taylor Scots Poems 174 On the pride of a Nose-wise S***er.
2. Keen-scented.
1613Purchas Pilgrimage iv. ix. 391 One more nose-wise then the rest, smelled the sent of flesh.1630G. Graeme Let. in Miscell. (S.H.S.) II. 253, I think you to nosvyse that has smellid Your father's..falsety so far off.

