
单词 nighly
释义 nighly, adv.|ˈnaɪlɪ|
Also 1 néalíce, 4 neli, 6 nyghly.
[OE. néalíce = MDu. nalike, -lijc, -lic, OHG. nâhlîcho (MHG. næhlîchen), ON. náliga: see nigh adv. and -ly2.]
1. Nearly, almost.
971Blickl. Hom. 207 On sumre stowe he wæs þæt man mid his handa nealice ᵹeræcean mihte.a1300Cursor M. 7700 Oft þe chances sua þai fell, Þat neli was þam noght e-mell.13..Ibid. 19124 (Edinb.), Þe saduceis, namlic þat lede, for þuprising walde neli wede.1690Locke Hum. Und. ii. ix. §8 A Cube and a Sphere of the same metal, and nighly of the same bigness.1744Mitchell in Phil. Trans. XLIII. 110 The Cuticle, which is separated, appears nighly of the same Colour on the Outside.1832L. Hunt Sir R. Esher (1850) 349 This old servant, old and nighly worn out.1861Card. Wiseman in Ess. Relig. & Lit. Ser. i. (1865) 15 Literature had apparently most nighly reached enervation.
2. Nearly, closely. Obs.
1534Cromwell in Merriman Life & Lett. (1902) I. 377 That thing whiche semed to concerne his grace and his reigne so nyghly.1589Cooper Admon. 144 Now I must come to that which toucheth bishops most nighlie.1651N. Bacon Disc. Govt. Eng. ii. xxxi. (1739) 142 Especially such of them as most nighly related to Prerogative.1691W. Nicholls Answ. Naked Gospel 73 To suffer this..for being so nighly related to a wicked Soul.
3. Niggardly, sparingly. Obs. rare.
1548Elyot Auare,..couetously, nyghly, nygardly.1579Spenser Sheph. Cal. July 171 Theyr weedes bene not so nighly wore; Such simplesse mought them shend.

