
单词 phial
释义 phial, n.|ˈfaɪəl|
Forms: α. 4 fiol, 4–5 fyole, 5 fyoll(e, fialle, 6 fyol, 7 fiole. β. 4 phyall(e, 6 phiall, 7 phiole, phyal, 7– phial. See also vial.
[ME. a. F. fiole (12th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), also phiole (13th c. in Littré), in Cotgr. fiole, phiole = Pr. fiola, It. fiala, ad. late L. phiola, L. phiala, ad. Gr. ϕιάλη a broad flat vessel.]
A vessel for holding liquids, esp. drinks; formerly variously applied; now usually a small glass bottle, esp. for liquid medicine. Leyden phial = Leyden jar: see Leyden. Bologna phial: see Bologna.
13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 1476 Fyoles fretted with flores & fleez of golde.1382Wyclif Num. vii. 84 Silueren fiols [1388 viols] twelue, golden morters twelue.1483Cath. Angl. 129/2 A Fialle, ampulla, fiola.1490Caxton Eneydos xiii. 47 The fyole fulle of the holi libacion.1609Bible (Douay) Amos vi. 6 You..that drinke wine in phials [1611 bowls].1656Blount Glossgr., Phial, a plain pot with a wide mouth, whereout a man might drink enough.1669Boyle Contn. New Exp. ii. (1682) 12 A Glass Phial filled with Mercury.1747Franklin Let. Wks. 1840 V. 194 Set the electrified phial on one, and then touch the wire.1806Med. Jrnl. XV. 433 Very little of it will be lost, provided the phial be properly shaken.1820Scoresby Acc. Arctic Reg. I. 235 The phial was suddenly corked and inverted.1846Joyce Sci. Dial. vii. vi. (1849) 461 We will describe what is usually called the Leyden phial.1873Hale In His Name iii. 16 What is the elixir in your phial?
b. fig. (See Rev. v. 8, xvi. 1.) Cf. vial.
1649Jer. Taylor Gt. Exemp. ii. Disc. xi. 12 That my Prayers being..presented in the Phial of the Saints may ascend..Where thy glory dwells.1742Young Nt. Th. i. 53 The Phial of thy Vengeance, pour'd On this devoted Head.a1881Rossetti House of Life xc, Wait the turning of the phials of wrath For certain years.
c. attrib. and Comb., as phial-book, phial-glass; phial-like adj.
1826Kirby & Sp. Entomol. III. xxix. 81 Eggs..of a long phial-like form.1851Blackw. Mag. June 688 The homoeopathist pulling out..his phial-book.
Hence ˈphial v. trans., to store or keep in a phial, to bottle up; ˈphialful, as much as fills a phial.
a1763Shenstone Love & Hon. 164 Full on my fenceless head its phial'd wrath May Fate exhaust.1769Lane in Phil. Trans. LIX. 219 The liquor being shaken, and another phial-full taken up soon after.

