
单词 matron
释义 I. matron|ˈmeɪtrən|
Forms: 4–7 matrone, 5 matroun, 6– matron.
[a. F. matrone (= Sp., Pg., It. matrona), ad. L. mātrōna, f. mātr-em, māter mother.]
1. a. A married woman, usually with the accessory idea of (moral or social) rank or dignity.
Roman matron: sometimes referred to as a proverbial type of feminine dignity of character or bearing. British matron: in 19th–c. use, jocularly taken as the representative of certain social prejudices and rigorous notions of conventional propriety supposed to be characteristic of married women of the English upper middle-class.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xxxix. (Cosme & Damyane) 35 In þat cyte wes a matrone, Þat of gret gudnes had renon.c1430Lydg. Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 70 O noble matrouns, whiche have al suffisaunce Of wommanhede, yowre wittes doth up dresse.c1440Promp. Parv. 330/1 Matrone, eld woman, matrona.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VII 20 b, She was layed naked in the bride bed, in the presence of diuerse noble matrones and Prynces.1607Shakes. Cor. ii. i. 279 Matrons flong Gloues, Ladies and Maids their Scarffes, and Handkerchers, Vpon him as he pass'd.1667Milton P.L. xi. 136 Leucothea..when Adam and first Matron Eve Had ended now their Orisons.1695Dryden Parallel Poetry & Painting Ess. (ed. Ker) II. 129 Neither is there any expression in that story, which a Roman matron might not read without a blush.1766Goldsm. Vic. W. xxxii, The question was, whether my eldest daughter, as being a matron, should not sit above the two young brides.1802Wordsw. Sailor's Mother, And like a Roman matron's was her mien and gait.1817Shelley Rev. Islam iv. xxi. 7 Virgins bright, And matrons with their babes.1835Thirlwall Greece I. 327 A dignity of character, which makes them worthy rivals of the Roman matrons.1867Trollope Chron. Barset (1869) I. xxiv. 255 She was fat, heavy, and good-looking;..a youthful British matron every inch of her.
b. in personifications.
1581Sidney Apol. Poetrie (Arb.) 68 So is that honny-flowing Matron Eloquence..disguised, in a Curtizan-like painted affectation.1592Shakes. Rom. & Jul. iii. ii. 11 Come ciuill night, Thou sober suted Matron all in blacke.
c. Eccl. As the distinctive title of a married female saint. (Cf. virgin.)
1519Aberd. Reg. (1844) I. 96 In honor of God and the glorious matron Sanct Anne.1862Bp. Wordsworth Hymn, ‘Hark, the sound of holy voices’ ii, Saintly Maiden, godly Matron, Widows who have watch'd to prayer.
d. A female dog or horse used for breeding.
1931A. C. Smith About our Dogs vi. 67 When the matrons have been purchased..the question of finding mates for them is uppermost.1948C. L. B. Hubbard Dogs in Brit. xxi. 365 Brood matrons were sent to Welsh Hound studs.1966Telegraph (Brisbane) 22 Jan. 5/1 King's Daughter could have been an above average stud matron.1971Country Life 11 Nov. 1267/1 The breeding of hounds ought not to be merely a question of appearance and dash... They should also be the offspring of stallions and matrons of time-honoured residence in the kennels.
2. spec. A married woman considered as having expert knowledge in matters of childbirth, pregnancy, etc.; now only in jury of matrons (see jury 2 f.). Also, applied in pl. to married women who render assistance, or friendly offices in or after childbirth.[So F. matrone; cf. also mod.L. matrona ‘midwife’ (Syd. Soc. Lex.).] 1491Caxton Vitas Patr. (1495) 198 The matrones or myddewyfes that were come to her for to receyve the child.1631Milton Epit. March. Winchester 23 Once had the early Matrons run To greet her of a lovely son.1650Weldon Crt. Jas. I 79 A Jury of grave Matrons..after their inspection gave verdict, she was (intacta virgo).
3. A woman (not, according to present usage, necessarily a married woman) who has official charge of the domestic arrangements of a public institution such as a hospital, school, prison, etc.
1557Order of Hospitalls E ij b, The Matron, in governinge the wemen and keping the provision of Bedds, Sheets, Shirts and other committed to her charge.1706Phillips, Matron... Also one of the grave Women that have the Oversight of Children in an Hospital.1780Johnson Let. to Dr. Vyse 30 Dec., The matron of the Chartreux is about to resign her place.1791Bentham Panopt. i. Postscr. 43 There must be a Chaplain, a Surgeon, and a Matron.1801Med. Jrnl. V. 291 The servants of the House shall consist of a Matron, who shall superintend the domestic concerns; three ordinary nurses [etc.].1872Rep. Directors Convict Prisons 444 Superannuated. 1 engineer, 1 matron.1896Allbutt's Syst. Med. I. 424 This power [of moving probationers] should be vested in the matron, herself a trained nurse.
4. a. attrib. quasi-adj. (pertaining to or characteristic of a matron) as matron air, matron brow, matron cap, matron cheek, matron face, matron form, matron grace, matron heart, matron lip, matron step, matron weed, matron years; (consisting of matrons) as matron-train.
1836C. A. Southey Poet. Wks. (1867) 13 She, with *matron airs, Who gravely lectures her rebellious doll.
1725Pope Odyss. i. 534 When the star of eve with golden light Adorn'd the *matron brow of sable night.
c1820S. Rogers Italy (1839) 29 Young as she was, she wore the *matron-cap.
1810J. Porter Scot. Chiefs 338 Wallace pressed her *matron cheek to his.
1775S. J. Pratt Liberal Opin. xxxviii. (1783) I. 223 The dear furrows of her *matron face.
1718Rowe tr. Lucan i. 353 Her awful head Rome's rev'rend image rear'd, Trembling and sad the *Matron form appear'd.
1813Shelley Q. Mab viii. 120 Autumn proudly bears her *matron grace.
1779Rocks of Meillerie 51 Ye piteous sighs, that burst my *matron heart.
1667Milton P.L. iv. 501 He..press'd her *Matron lip With kisses pure.
1784Cowper Task iv. 246 With *matron step slow moving.
1726Pope Odyss. xxii. 521 The *matron-train with all the virgin band Assemble here.
1811W. R. Spencer Poems 15 To gem the *matron weeds of night.
1810S. Green Reformist II. 7 The wanton wife, whose *matron years and situation should teach her gravity.
b. matron of honour, a chief bridesmaid who is married.
1903N.Y. Tribune 20 Sept., Her only attendant, as matron of honor, wore pale blue crepe de chine.1948Daily Oklahoman (Okla. City) 9 June 13/3 The bride and I wonder whether I should be called matron of honor or maid of honor.1961A. Barnes Mod. Wedding Etiquette vii. 61 There is never more than one matron of honour and she wears, not the usual youthful style bridesmaids' dresses, but an afternoon gown with hat and gloves. Her duties are exactly the same as those of the chief bridesmaid.1963Listener 14 Mar. 473/3 The groom's brother..has to listen to the indignant and delightfully comic complaints of the matron-of-honour.1969Edwards & Beyfus Lady Behave 268 If the bridesmaid is married she is known as a Matron of Honour.

Add:[3.] b. A female prison officer. Cf. police matron s.v. police n. 6. orig. and chiefly U.S.
1931Amer. Mercury Apr. 392/2 A large slate, hung on her by the matron, showed her name, age, crime, sentence, and nativity.1950Collier's 3 June 37/2 The prison superintendent told me that, of her staff of 60 matrons, there were only five whom she trusted.1970Notes for Guidance of Inmates (Arohata (N.Z.) Borstal Inst.) 6 Matrons are responsible to the superintendent for the overall control of the institution.1981Time 22 June 70/1 The dispute..originated in Washington County, Ore., where women prison guards, called ‘matrons’, received 30{pcnt}..less than their male counterparts.
II. matron
obs. form of marten.

