
单词 matriculation
释义 matriculation|mətrɪkjʊˈleɪʃən|
[f. matriculate v. + -ation. Cf. It. matricolazione (matriculatione, Florio 1611), Sp. matriculacion.]
1. The action of matriculating, or of registering among the members of a society, enrolling as a soldier, etc. Now chiefly in academic use, formal admission into a university or college. Sometimes used for matriculation examination.
1588Fraunce Lawiers Log. Ded. iv b, Having once knowen the price of an admission, Salting, and Matriculation, with the interteyning of Freshmenne in the Rhetorike schooles, they returne whence they came.1614Bp. Hall Contempl. O.T. viii. iii, VIII. 970 Wee have no right of inheritance in..the Church of God till we have received the sacrament of our matriculation.1633D. Rogers Treat. Sacram. i. 71 Baptisme..is called our Union with Christ,..our Matriculation, Cognizance, and Character of Christ.1638R. Brathwait Barnabees Jrnl. ii. (1818) 71 Thence to Highgate, where I viewed..th' horne of matriculation Drunk to th' freshmen of our nation.1653in Somers Tracts I. 502 No Person..shall take an Oath upon Matriculation in either of the Universities.1711Hearne Collect. (O.H.S.) III. 257 He had 5s...to go towards his Matriculation.1853‘C. Bede’ Verdant Green i. ii, He's now quite old enough, and prepared enough for matriculation.1881Mrs. Craik Little Mother ii. (1882) 43 Papa said he must [go out to India] if he failed in his matriculation.1900Oxf. Univ. Cal. 72 These Dues are for each quarter of the first four years from Matriculation.
b. A certificate of matriculation; = matricula. Obs.
1648J. Raymond Il Mercurio Italico 233 Our Matriculations wee had from Padua did us much service.
c. attrib., in matriculation examination; matriculation book, a book for the registration of admissions to a college or other association.
1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. ix. ix. §99 Those only whose names were entred into the Matriculation Booke.1726Ayliffe Parergon 16 A Scholar, that is absent from the University for five years,..is..rased out of the Matriculation Book.Ibid. 384 He is presum'd to be a Merchant who is found enrolled in the Matriculation Book belonging to Merchants.1853Assurance Mag. III. 273 Institute of Actuaries..Matriculation Examination 1852.
2. Her. A registration of armorial bearings.
1810Naval Chron. XXIV. 192 He has obtained the following copy of matriculation from the Lyon Office, Edinburgh.1901Spectator 30 Mar. 461 The doctrine..that the right to bear arms is dependent upon their matriculation in the College of Arms.

