
单词 lustful
释义 lustful, a.|ˈlʌstfʊl|
Also 4 lostvol, 6–7 lustfull.
[OE. lustfull: see lust n. and -ful. Cf. ON. lostafullr.]
1. Having a strong or excessive desire (for something); eagerly or inordinately desirous of or to do (something). Obs. or arch.
c893K. ælfred Oros. iii. ii. §1 Gif his hwa sie lustfull mare to witanne, sece him þonne self þæt.1598R. Grenewey Tacitus' Ann. v. i. (1622) 117 Augustus rauished with her beauty..tooke her from her husband, shewing himselfe so lustfull of her, that [etc.].1660F. Brooke tr. Le Blanc's Trav. 277 They have so lustful a greedinesse to Mansflesh, that [etc.].1901Daily Chron. 29 June 3/1 Lustful of inflicting and witnessing pain.
2. Delightful, pleasurable. Obs.
1340Ayenb. 80 Me can todele þri manere guodes, guod worþssiplich, guod lostuol, and guod uremuol.Ibid. 91, 92. 1394 P. Pl. Crede 605 Whereto beggen þise men..But for a lustfull lijf in lustes to dwellen?
3. Vigorous, lusty. arch.
1561Norton & Sackv. Gorboduc iii. i. (1847) 127 This want of lustfull health.1579Spenser Sheph. Cal. Jan. 37 My lustfull leafe is drye and sere.1621Quarles Esther (1638) 95 In depth of silence there was heard the loud And lustfull language of Darius Horse.1858Bushnell Serm. New Life ii. (1869) 19 The first men are shewn as living out a thousand years of lustful energy.1882J. H. Brown Rambler's Cal. 16 Neck to neck, The lustful darlings [greyhounds] race the ridgy earth.
4. Full of, imbued with, or characterized by, lust or unlawful desires; pertaining to, marked by, or manifesting sensual desire; libidinous.
1579E. K. Gloss. to Spenser's Sheph. Cal. Mar. 97 By wounding in the hele, is ment lustfull loue.1596Shakes. Tam. Shr. Ind. ii. 40 Wee'l haue thee to a Couch, Softer and sweeter then the lustfull bed On purpose trim'd vp for Semiramis.1653Walton Angler i. 22 There are also lustful and chaste fishes, of which I shall also give you examples.1667Milton P.L. xi. 619 Bred..to the taste Of lustful appetence.1727De Foe Syst. Magic i. iv. (1840) 111 Injecting lustful or loose and wandering thoughts into her chaste Mind.1815W. H. Ireland Scribbleomania 143 Libidinous themes will awake foul desires, And, banishing decency, light lustful fires.1902Fairbairn Philos. Chr. Relig. i. iv. 167 The miseries that follow a lustful will.
5. Provocative of lust. Obs.
1610Fletcher Faithf. Shepherdess ii. ii. (1629) C 4 b, Therefore foule standergrasse, from me and mine I banish thee, with lustfull Turpentine.a1667Cowley Verses & Ess., Agric., Hor. Epod. ii. (1687) 108 Not all the lustful Shell-fish of the Sea, Dress'd by the wanton Hand of Luxury [etc.].

