
单词 moiré
释义 I. moiré, a. and n.|mware, ˈmɔəreɪ|
[Fr., pa. pple. of moirer, to give the appearance of moire to, f. moire moire.]
A. adj.
a. Of silk: Watered. Also applied to other materials (as paper, linoleum) having an appearance resembling watered silk. Of metals: Having a ‘watered’ or clouded appearance.
1823J. Badcock Dom. Amusem. 140 Moiré Watering, by other Methods.1856Mrs. Browning Aur. Leigh iv. 565 Those passed the salts, with confidence of eyes And simultaneous shiver of moiré silk.1868Joynson Metals iv. 104 Giving the plates [of galvanised iron] the well-known moiré appearance.1873Young Englishwoman Apr. 199/2 The bottom is covered with moiré-paper.1893G. Egerton Keynotes (1894) 33 The lap of her moiré gown.1947D. Hunter Papermaking (ed. 2) 528, 1806... The commencement of the use of moiré papers, embossed by heated cylinders, used in bookbindings.1972J. K. P. Edwards Floors v. 69 Linoleum can be manufactured to give many different patterns and a wide variety of types, including plain, jaspé, moiré, marble and others.
b. Applied to the wavy or geometrical pattern of light and dark stripes (‘fringes’) that is observed when one pattern of lines, dots, etc., is visually superimposed on another similar pattern, or on an identical one that is slightly out of alignment with the first; chiefly in moiré fringe, moiré pattern.
1940Chambers's Techn. Dict. 553/1 Moiré effect (Photog.), a ‘watered-silk’ pattern..arising from interference between two line-screens; a defect for which occasional uses are found.1950Proc. R. Soc. A. CCI. 189 With the [diffraction] gratings made in the manner described above the moiré pattern consisted of a very complicated wavy pattern which repeated itself with great uniformity every quarter of an inch, this being the pitch of the lead-screw.1953H. A. Chinn Television Broadcasting ii. 70 The problem of a moiré pattern caused by ‘beating’ of the scanning lines with the lines of the target mesh does exist.1956J. Guild Interference Syst. Crossed Diffraction Gratings p. v, Though attention was called to them by Lord Rayleigh as long ago as 1874 the fringes produced by crossed diffraction gratings, now usually termed moiré fringes, have somehow escaped mention in the textbooks of physical optics.1963Sci. Amer. May 54/3 The only general requirement for a moiré pattern is that the interacting figures have some sort of solid and open regions. The solid regions can be lines (straight, curved or wiggly), dots or any other geometric form... In the typical moiré pattern the moiré effect materializes when two sets of straight lines are superposed so that they intersect at a small angle.Ibid. 63/1 Moiré patterns sometimes plague the printer whenever he is obliged to print two or more halftone impressions one atop the other, which he must do in making multicolored reproductions.1971J. H. Smith Digital Logic i. 3 Automatic programmed machines are..made to an extremely high accuracy, e.g. 5 000 steps (digits) per inch are easily realised using moiré fringe devices.1973Sci. Amer. Oct. 120/2 Two sets of concentric circles that overlap generate moiré patterns in the form of radial lines. Concentric circles that overlap a grid of comparable spacing generate ellipses, parabolas or hyperbolas, depending on the angle of inclination between the plane of the concentric circles and the plane of the grid.
B. n.
1. A variegated or clouded appearance resembling that of watered silk; esp. as imparted to metals for the purpose of ornament. Also a moiré pattern or effect.
1818Jrnl. Sci. & Arts V. 368 On the Moiré Metallique, or Fer blanc moiré.Ibid., The moiré has of late been much improved by employing the blow pipe... When the moiré has been formed, the plate is to be varnished and polished, the varnish being tinted with any glazing colour, and thus the red, blue, green, yellow, and pearl coloured moirés are manufactured.1839Ure Dict. Arts s.v., Moirée métallique, called in this country crystallized tin-plate, is a variegated primrose appearance, produced upon the surface of tin-plate, by applying to it in a heated state some dilute nitro⁓muriatic acid for a few seconds, then washing it with water, drying, and coating it with lacquer.1888Teall Brit. Petrogr. 440 Moiré, the name given to the wavy appearance, comparable to that of watered silk, presented by thin plates of mica under crossed nicols.1953H. A. Chinn Television Broadcasting i. 27 The most objectionable moiré is probably that produced by the blanking pulses because they usually represent the greatest possible black-to-white contrast ratio.1963Sci. Amer. May 55 (caption) Moiré composed of beats is produced from nonintersecting parallel lines when the spacing of one set differs from that of another.1967E. Chambers Photolitho-Offset xi. 160 The Agfa-Gevaert Diffusing Diaphragm is also a most useful asset in eliminating undesirable moiré and avoiding the need for excessive retouching.1967V. Strauss Printing Industry iv. 194/2 Moiré can also be introduced in presswork by defective overprinting.
2. Erroneously used for moire.
1851Official Catal. Gt. Exhib. II. 504 ‘Moiré antique’, for garments, various colours.1851Repts. Juries Gt. Exhib. (1852) 368 Gros-de-Naples, glacé, and checked moiré, and satin.1862London Soc. II. 40 Costly Moirés.1862Catal. Internat. Exhib. II. xx. 24 Moiré antiques.1883M. E. Braddon Gold. Calf I. ii. 43 Miss Pew..went rustling up and down the terrace..in her armour of apple-green moiré.1885Mabel Collins Prettiest Woman xxxi, He wore a coat of white moiré antique, embroidered with gold.
II. moiré, moire, v.
[f. moiré n. and moire. Cf. F. moirer.]
trans. To give a moiré or watered appearance to. Also ˈmoiring vbl. n.
1823New Monthly Mag. IX. 551/2 The means which I had employed for moiring tin-plates.1884W. H. Wahl Galvanopl. Manip. 521 (Cent.) The solution [salt, or sal ammoniac] may be applied to the surfaces to be moiréed with the aid of a sponge.

