
单词 immiserization
释义 immiserization|ɪˌmɪzəraɪˈzeɪʃən|
Also (slightly earlier) immiseration.
[f. im-1 + miserable a. + -ization; tr. G. verelendung.]
The act of making or becoming progressively more miserable; pauperization, impoverishment. So iˌmmiserifiˈcation, in the same sense; iˈmmiserize v. trans., to impoverish.
1942J. A. Schumpeter Capitalism, Socialism & Democracy (1943) iii. 22 The glowing indictment of ‘exploitation’ and ‘immiserization’.1948R. Strausz-Hupé in Philos. of Sci. X. 270 Fifty years ago the Revisionists pointed out the fallacies of Marx's theory of the immiseration of the proletariat.1971J. Vaizey Social Democracy 37 The general trend of real wages, after 1850, was upwards, and the general immiserisation of the proletariat was not brought about.Ibid. 48 The international industrial system had been created; the proletariat was not immiserised; and the modern nation-state had been created.1975D. McLellan Marx iii. 44 Marx was thinking in terms of trends and projected into the future tendencies that he saw in contemporary society. One of the most important of these trends was the immiserization of the proletariat. Marx was usually chary of claiming that the proletariat would become immiserized in any absolute sense.

