
单词 by-run
释义 ˈby-run, n., pa. pple., ppl. a. Obs.
[f. by- 2 a + run n. and pple.]
A. n. Running by, course, current.
1674N. Fairfax Bulk & Selv. 143 Time all the while holding on its even by-run.
B. pa. pple. and ppl. a. Also 6 Sc. byrunnyn.
1. Past, elapsed; (of payments) in arrear, overdue.
1513Douglas æneis v. xi. 54 Lo, sen the fall of Troy..Byrunnyn is the sevint somer.1536Bellenden Cron. Scot. (1821) I. 241 The day byrunne, all Scottis war exilit.a1639Spottiswood Hist. Ch. Scotl. vi. (1677) 325 The by-run profits intrometted by the Thesaurer.1653in Z. Boyd's Zion's Flowers (1855) Introd. 41 Byrun stipends owing by the toun.
2. As n. pl. Arrears (of rent, etc.). Cf. by-gone B. 1 b.
1573Sc. Acts Jas VI (1597) §58 For the by-runes awand them.1613Skene Reg. Maj. Index s.v. Maister (Jam.) The byrunis of his ferms.

