
单词 babblery
释义 ˈbabblery Obs.
In 6 babelary, bablarie, -erie.
[f. babble v. + -ry; cf. F. babillerie in Cotgr.]
Idle chatter, babble, prating.
1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 494/1 A longe babelary, parte to no purpose and parte plaine heresie.1567Drant Horace Epist. ii. ii. H iv, He kills me with his bablarie.1593Stubbes Motive Gd. Wks. 115 Deceyve the world no longer with your bableries for filthy lucre sake.
Confused with babery or baublery.
1583Stubbes Anat. Abus. M ij b, Wherin is painted some babblerie or other of imagery woork.Ibid. 222 Toyes, fantasies, and bableries.

