
单词 bedrop
释义 bedrop, v.|bɪˈdrɒp|
Pa. pple. bedropped, bedropt.
[f. be- 4 + drop.]
1. trans. To drop upon, cover or wet with drops.
1393Gower Conf. III. 254 As men sene the dew bedroppe The leves and the floures eke.1667Milton P.L. x. 527 The Soil Bedropt with blood of Gorgon.1829Wordsw. Liberty Wks. V. 102 Life's book for Thee may lie unclosed, till age Shall with a thankful tear bedrop its latest page.
2. pa. pple. Sprinkled as with drops.
1658Rowland Mouffet's Theat. Ins. 965 The..body yellow, bedropt with black from the neck to the tail.1858Blackw. Mag. 482 Lomond and Awe bedropt with woody isles.
b. fig. Strewn, interspersed.
1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xiii. 321 It was bidropped with wratthe and wikked wille.1855Gilfillan Dryden Introd. 20 A tale..bedropt with the most flagrant falsehoods.

