“dragon's head”的英英意思

单词 dragon's head
释义 dragon's head
[See dragon 8 b.]
1. Astron. The ascending node of the moon's orbit with the ecliptic (marked ♌).
1509Hawes Past. Pleas. xviii. ii, Dyane..Entred the Crab, her propre mancyon, Than ryght amyddes of the Dragons hed.1594Blundevil Exerc. xlv. (ed. 7) 504 Subtract the place of the Dragons head from the place of the Moone.1819J. Wilson Dict. Astrol. 83 The place of the Dragon's Head is considered of great efficacy.
b. Her. The name of the tincture tenné or tawny in blazoning by the heavenly bodies.
1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Dragons head..is..the Tenne, or Tawny Colour in the Escutcheons of Soveraign Princes.1766Porny Heraldry Gloss., Dragon's-head: Part of a celestial constellation, assigned by English Heralds to express the Color Tenné in blazoning the Arms of Sovereigns.
2. Herb. (See quots.)
1753Chambers Cycl. Supp., Dracocephalon, Dragon's Head, in botany, the name of a genus of plants.1866Treas. Bot., Dragon's-head, name for Dracocephalum.

