
单词 Cuds
释义 Cuds Obs.
A deformation of the word God's, in oaths and exclamations; cf. cods, cots. Also Cudso, Cudsho (cf. cotso).
1599Middleton & Rowley Old Law iv. i, Cud so, Gnotho, I'll not tarry so long.1607Middleton Michaelmas Term ii. iii, Cuds me! I'm undone.a1627No Wit v. ii, Cuds bodkins!1663T. Killigrew Parson's Wedding i. ii, Cud's body, they're twigs of the old rod..that whipped us so lately.1711Swift Jrnl. to Stella 1 July, Cudsho, the next letter to Presto will be dated from Wexford.

