
单词 cowde
释义 cowde, cowd Obs.
[Possibly = Fr. coude (:—L. cubitus) of which the primary sense was ‘elbow’, whence ‘corner, angle’. The Winchester MS. of Promp. Parv. refers to Ugucio, conus; Du Cange has conus = corner, angle. (There was also a mediæval confusion of conus and cuneus, both being taken as = F. coin; Du Cange has cuneus a form of bread: cf. Ger. Wecke wedge, and roll of bread.)]
c1440Promp. Parv. 96 Cowde, frustrum, congiarium. [1617Minsheu Ductor, Cowde is an old English word, signifying a gobbett, morcell, or peece of any thing cut out.1658Phillips, Cowde (old word) a gobbet.]

