
单词 unshapen
释义 unˈshapen, a.
[un-1 8 b. Cf. OE. unsceapen, unᵹesceapen, MDu. ongescapen (Du. -schapen), MLG. ungeschapen, OHG. -scaffan (MHG. and G. -schaffen).]
= unshaped ppl. a.
13..Cursor M. 367 (Gött.), Þe mater of foure elementis, Þat ȝeit was þan of forme vnschapin.c1350Athanasian Creed in MS. Bodl. 425 fol. 69 b, Vnshapen fadir unshapen son is, Vnshapen heli gost in blis.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) II. 163 Al þe longage of þe Norþhumbres..is..scharp, slitting, and frotynge and vnschape [L. incondita].a1560T. Phaer æneid ix. (1562) Ff i b, An vnshapen bunchy speare..Sir Pandare whirling threw.1594Shakes. Rich. III, i. ii. 251 (Q 1), Will she yet debase her eyes..On me that halt, and am vnshapen thus.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. iii. vi. 116 A Bear brings forth her young informous and unshapen.1695J. Edwards Perfect. Script. 322 This unshapen mass without form and void.1728R. Morris Ess. Anc. Archit. 42 Columns were originally made of unshapen Trees.1747Carte Hist. Eng. I. 44 A rough unshapen stone, of an enormous size.a1814Mermaid i. ii. in New Brit. Theatre II. 478 They ran to mock her hump'd unshapen form.1872Morley Voltaire 9 Pale unshapen embryos of social sympathy.
Hence unˈshapeness.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xiii. xxii. (Tollem. MS.), It was clepid abbissus for unschapnesse,..for it was distinged with no forme noþer schappe.1648Hexham ii, Ongeschapenheydt, Vncreatednesse, or Vnshapennesse.

