
单词 untried
释义 unˈtried, ppl. a.
[un-1 8.]
1. Not tried, proved, or tested.
1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 132 That no worde passe out vntryed & nothynge entre vnexamyned.a1586Sidney Arcadia i. iii, Her skin like burnisht gold, her hands like silver ure untryde.1591Spenser F.Q. i. iii. 34 Loth was that other..To taste th' vntryed dint of deadly steele.1647Cowley Mistr., Encrease iii, So the new-made, and untride Spheres above, Took their first turn from th' hand of Jove.1697Dryden Virg. Georg. iv. 781 Four fair Heifars yet in Yoke untry'd.1739C. Labelye Piers Westm. Bridge 28 Not to leave one single square Foot in the whole Surface of the Foundation untried.1783Crabbe Village ii. 146 When smit with Glory's charms, The untried youth first quits a father's arms.1833H. Martineau Cinnamon & Pearls v. 95 Can anything equal the presumption of human decisions on untried matters!1871Dixon Tower III. i. 1 A man of untried power.
absol.1839Carlyle Chartism ix, The New, Untried ascertains how it will fit itself into the arrangements of the Old.1887Meredith Ballads & P. 112 She marched toward the gloomy gate Of earth's Untried.
2. Not tried by a judge.
a1618Sylvester Job iv. 12 Against Job began his wrath to flame,..And..his Foe-friends, for so strict Condemning Job, untry'd and unconvict.1784Cowper Task v. 398 Condemn'd untried, Cruelly spar'd, and hopeless of escape!1824S. Smith Wks. (1859) II. 32 Cruel Treatment of Untried Prisoners.1842Dickens Amer. Notes v, The best Jail for untried offenders in the world.

