
单词 influential
释义 influential, a. (n.)|ɪnfluːˈɛnʃəl|
[f. med.L. influentia influence + -al1.]
A. adj.
a. Astrol. Possessing or exercising the influence formerly attributed to the stars; of, pertaining to, or of the nature of astral ‘influence’. Obs.
1570Dee Math. Pref. b iij b, Mans body, and all other Elementall bodies, are altered, disposed, ordred..by the Influentiall working of the Sunne, Mone, and the other Starres and Planets.1648W. Jenkyn Blind Guide i. 14 Shining not like a sweetly influentiall star, but flashing like an angry bloody Comet.1652Gaule Magastrom. 137 Potentiall influxes, influentiall proclivities, seminall dispositions.1664Power Exp. Philos. ii. 99 Atmosphaerical Air..is a mixt Body of Luminous and Magnetical Effluviums, powdred with the influential Atoms of Heaven from above.
b. transf. Exercising, caused by, or of the nature of supernatural or spiritual influence; working by mysterious or hidden processes. Obs.
1643T. Case 3 Serm. (1644) 32 The more full and sweet influentiall manifestations of his [God's] presence among them.a1711Ken Preparatives Poet. Wks. 1721 IV. 23 His Unction's influential Force.1745W. Thompson Sickness ii. 652 Thy influential vigour reinspires This feeble frame.
2. Having or exerting influence, power, or effect. Const. on; formerly unto, upon, to, towards, of.
1655S. Ashe Fun. Serm. 18th June 28 The whole City, unto which he was profitably influentiall.1655–62W. Gurnall Chr. in Arm. (1669) 336/1 It seems to be superadded as a generall Duty influentiall upon all the pieces [of armour] fore-named.a1677Barrow Pope's Suprem. (1687) 140 Hurtful errours, influential on practice.1679Jenison Popish Plot 13, I was willing so far to consult their safety, as not to be influential to their prejudice, by any act of mine.1720Welton Suffer. Son of God I. xi. 279 The Disposition of our Hearts being..Influential toward the Bent and Bias of our Judgments.1757–8Herald II. xxii. 97 All the qualities..should be blended together in our minds and hearts, and made influential of our opinions and practices.1892Jas. Brown Serm. 163 A motive influential on life.
3. Having, possessing, or characterized by great influence or power; powerful.
a. Of persons.
a1734North Exam. (1740) 550 He was of such an ouer⁓ruling Genius..as enabled him to be very influential among the Citisens.1787A. Hamilton Wks. (1886) VII. 14 Fay, and Ira Allen, two of the most influential individuals in that country.1829Gen. P. Thompson Exerc. (1842) I. 170 The large and influential portion of the English nation.1833Coleridge Table-t. 8 Apr., He [Burke] would have been more influential if he had less surpassed his contemporaries.1868E. Edwards Raleigh I. xvii. 348 Grey's family connections were numerous and influential.
b. Of things.
a1734North Exam. (1740) 518 So influential are Faction and Prejudice, in Matters of Justice.1757–8Herald I. viii. 121 More ceremony, and a greater regard for forms..are..influential principles in every other kingdom of Europe.1833Herschel Astron. iii. 111 Any error which may affect the astronomical determination of a star's altitude will be especially influential.1852H. Spencer Ess., Phil. Style (1891) II. 334 However influential the precepts thus dogmatically expressed, they would be much more influential if reduced to something like scientific ordination.1860Mill Repr. Govt. (1865) 6/1 To make these various elements of power politically influential, they must be organized.
absol.1830Westm. Rev. XII. 291 Mr. Moore's general system of acquiescence with the influential in all its forms.
4. Of, pertaining to, of the nature of, or working by influence. rare.
1795Coleridge Plot Discov. 28 Nov. 43 The Liberty of the Press (a power resident in the people) gives us an influential sovereignty.
B. n. An influential person.
1831Westm. Rev. XV. 224 Comparison..between the fashionables of England and the influentials in France.1837W. Dyott Diary 16 July (1907) II. 257 And was there strongly entreated by the influentials in the South Division of the county to allow himself to be put in nomination with Lord Ingestre for the south.1899‘Mark Twain’ in Forum (N.Y.) Mar. 29 It was their official duty to entertain the influentials after some sort of fashion.1957R. K. Merton Social Theory (rev. ed.) 128 Two types of influentials—the local and the cosmopolitan.1965D. V. Glass in Glass & Eversley Population in Hist. i. 19 Manuals of domestic medicine, intended not only..for the practitioner but also for the clergy and for other local ‘influentials’.

