
单词 unkindled
释义 unˈkindled, ppl. a.
(un-1 8.)
a1513Fabyan Chron. vii. 648 In this yere began a grudge to growe.., but it was keept vnkyndelyd duryng y⊇ lyfe of y⊇ duke.1535Coverdale Job xx. 26 An vnkyndled fyre shal consume him.1717Pope Iliad xi. 239 The unkindled lightning in his hand he [sc. Jove] took.1742Young Nt. Th. i. 111 They live! they greatly live a life on earth Unkindl'd, unconceiv'd.1809Coleridge Friend 161 My feelings..and imagination did not remain unkindled in this general conflagration.1865Dickens Mut. Fr. i. xiii, The unkindled lamp stood on the table.
Hence unˈkindledness.
1869Abp. Benson in Life (1901) 116 The yellow wax lights on the Altar stood in their irrational, legal, unkindledness.

