
单词 heptarchy
释义 heptarchy|ˈhɛptɑːkɪ|
[ad. mod.L. heptarchia, f. Gr. ἑπτά hepta- + -αρχία sovereignty, empire, after tetrarchy.]
A government by seven rulers; an aggregate of seven districts or petty kingdoms, each under its own ruler; spec. the seven kingdoms reckoned to have been established by the Angles and Saxons in Britain.
The term appears to have been introduced by 16th c. historians, in accordance with their notion that there were seven Angle and Saxon kingdoms so related that one of their rulers had always the supreme position of King of the Angle-kin (Rex gentis Anglorum), ‘so that in the Heptarchy itself there seems always to have been a Monarchy’ (Camden). The correctness and propriety of the designation have been often called in question, but its practical convenience has preserved it in use. See, besides the authors quoted, Hallam Middle Ages (1878) II. viii. i. 270, 354–6; Sir J. Mackintosh England (1846) I. ii. 31; Penny Cycl. IX. 406; Freeman Norm. Conq. I. ii. 22; Stubbs Const. Hist. Eng. I. vii. 169; Edith Thompson Hist. Eng. ii. §2.
1576Lambarde Peramb. Kent 1 The exposition of this Map of the English Heptarchie, or seauen Kingdomes.Ibid. 5. [1586Camden Britannia 48 (marg. Monarchia semper in Anglorum Heptarchia) Postquam enim in Britanniæ possessione pedem firmassent, in septem regna distribuerunt, Heptarchiamque constituerunt..tamen..ut Monarchiam in ipsa Heptarchia semper fuisse videatur. (See quot. 1610.)]1592Stow Annales of Eng. 63 Vntill the time that this Heptarchie, or Gouernement of seuen, was reduced to a Monarchie, or regiment of one.1602Warner Alb. Eng. Epit. (1612) 360 The Saxon Heptarchia or their seuen Kingdomes.1610Holland Camden's Brit. 135 After that these nations above said, had now gotten sure footing in the possession of Britain, they diuided it into seuen kingdomes, and established an Heptarchie.1614Selden Titles Hon. 30 In that Heptarchie of our Saxons, vsually six of the Kings were but as subiects to the supreme.1638Sir T. Herbert Trav. (ed. 2) 308 Almeyda in despight of her united Heptarchy landed here [Ceylon] Anno Dom. 1506.1641Milton Reform. ii. (1851) 53 Hee ought to suspect a Hierarchy to bee as dangerous and derogatory from his Crown as a Tetrarchy or a Heptarchy.1700Dryden Palamon & Arcite iii. 291 The next returning planetary hour Of Mars, who shared the heptarchy of power.1774Warton Hist. Eng. Poetry (1775) I. 5 The inhabitants of Cornwall..remained partly in a state of independence during the Saxon heptarchy.1799–1805S. Turner Anglo-Sax. (1836) I. iii. v. 195 Ceawlin..changed the Saxon octarchy into a temporary heptarchy.1812Canning Sp. Ho. Comm. 3 Feb. (Hansard ser. i. XXI. 530) Repeal the Union! Restore the Heptarchy as soon! the measure itself is simply impossible.1834Peel Ibid. 25 Apr. (ser. iii. XXIII. 69).1851Kelly tr. Cambrensis Eversus III. 301 In England there was a heptarchy, but in Ireland a pentarchy.1885Pall Mall G. 29 June 12 Australia is now only waiting for an Enabling Bill in order to form a Federal Council, the inevitable germ of an Australian heptarchy.

