
单词 disseisor
释义 disseisor, -zor|dɪsˈsiːzə(r), -ˌɔː(r)|
Also 5–6 -our(e, 5 -er.
[a. AF. disseisour, = OF. *dessaiseur, f. dessaisir to disseise. In med.L. dissaisitor, -seizitor, f. dissaisire, disseisire, to disseise.]
One who disseises, or dispossesses another of his lands, etc.; a dispossessor.
[1377see disseisee.]1483Cath. Angl. 101/2 A Disseiser, disseisitor.1540Act 32 Hen. VIII, c. 33 The diyng seased hereafter of any such disseasour..shall not be..demed..any suche discent in the law.1598Kitchin Courts Leet (1675) 265 If the Tenant be disseised and the Disseisor dieth seised, the Lord there cannot distrain.1603Drayton Bar. Wars Bk. iii. lvi, Entering now by force, thou hold'st by might, And art disseisor of another's right.1660Bond Scut. Reg. 59 The King can do no wrong; Therefore cannot be a disseisor.1788Burke Sp. agst. W. Hastings Wks. XV. 430 To call them disseizors, wrong doers, cheats, defrauders of their own son.1861[see disseisin n. 1].1886F. W. Maitland in Law Q. Rev. Oct. 485 The disseisor will be seised whether the lord like it or not.

