
单词 sheriffhood
释义 ˈsheriffhood Obs.
Forms: see sheriff.
[-hode, -hood.]
The office of sheriff.
c1450Godstow Reg. 70 In-to witnes of þis þinge þe seele of þe foreseid shreuehode was put þer-to.a1470Gregory Chron. in Hist. Coll. Cit. Lond. (Camden) 77 He [Edw. II] grauntyd that sherevehodys sholde goo to ferme for CCC li be yere.1502Arnolde Chron. B iv b, [Charter of London 1384.] We haue graunted..to the Citezens of London the Shorefhode [read Sherefhode] of London and of Middelsex.1556Chron. Grey Friars (Camden) 14 John Briane was drowned in hys shrefehode.1629in Crt. & Times Chas. I (1848) II. 11 Here Sir Walter Long was brought this day into the Star Chamber, for having at the last election which was made for the parliament left the sheriffhood, which was then in his hands, to become a burgess of the said parliament.

