
单词 goodsire
释义 goodsire Sc. ? Obs.
Also 5 gudsire, -syr(e, 6 gudscheir, gud-, guidschir, 7 goodsir, gudeschir, gudscher, 8 gutcher, 9 gudesire.
[See good D. 2 a.]
A grandfather.
c1425Wyntoun Cron. vi. xx. 102 For to pas agayne thowcht he, And arryve in þe Empyre, Quhareof þan Lord wes hys Gud-syr.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. II. 662 This Herald suld succeid Efter his guid-schir for to bruke the croun.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. ii. 161 Grate and thankful rememberance of his gudshir Metellan.1609Skene Reg. Maj. 34 The heire of the sonne gotten of his awin bodie, may craue na mair fra his father brother, of the rest of his gudeschirs heretage (then that part quhilk was assigned to his father).a1670Spalding Troub. Chas. I (1829) 11 His son being put in fee of all by the old tutor his good-sir.1785R. Forbes Poems Buchan Dial. 15 For what our gutchers did for us We scarce dare ca' our ain, Unless their fitsteps we fill up, An' play their part again.1816Scott Antiq. ix, ‘Our gudesire gaed into Edinburgh to look after his plea’.

