
单词 ultrafiltration
释义 ˌultrafilˈtration Biol.
[f. ultra- 2 c + filtration.]
The action or process of filtration through a medium sufficiently fine to retain colloidal particles, certain viruses, or large molecules.
1908Chem. Abstr. II. 1155 Ultrafiltration... Filtration of this type is accomplished by forcing under pressure the solutions through colloid membranes such as collodium, glacial acetic acid-collodium and hardened gelatin.1946Nature 9 Nov. 665/2 The blood pressure reduction cannot have augmented the osmotic pressure by more than..about 3·2/1000 of the total osmotic pressure. This change is so small that ultra-filtration cannot play any considerable part in the formation of aqueous humor.1959New Scientist 15 Jan. 135/3 Most marine animals possess some type of ampullary excretory organ... It is probable..that these organs produce an excretory fluid by a process of ultrafiltration.1964[see gradocol].1978Sci. Amer. July 88/2 The pores of an ultrafiltration membrane are on the scale of 10-9 meter, or one nanometer; average pore diameters range from less than a nanometer to about 10 nanometers.
So ˈultrafilter n., a medium or membrane used for ultrafiltration; also as v. trans., to subject to ultrafiltration; ultraˈfilterable a., capable of passing through an ultrafilter.
1908Chem. Abstr. II. 3183 (heading) Porosity of ultra filters.1911Ibid. V. 2 Ultrafiltration... A discussion of the merits of the Bechhold and Burian ultrafilters and of the author's modifications.1920Biochem. Jrnl. XIV. 539 The oxygenase remains on the ultrafilter.1928Ibid. XXII. 633 A large proportion of the inorganic phosphate of the plasma is ultrafilterable through cellophane.1946Physiol. Rev. XXVI. 586 The first indication that the adrenotrophic factor could be ultrafiltered was presented..in 1934.1961Lancet 5 Aug. 284/2 The plasma was ultrafiltered.1974Nature 8 Nov. 176/1 The haemagglutinating activity in galactose..was found in the retentate and could be concentrated quantitatively and washed free of monosaccharide by ultrafiltration over an XM-50 ultrafilter (Amicon) which nominally retains proteins of molecular weight greater than 50,000.1976Ibid. 8 Apr. 487/1 The rise in brain tryptophan..correlates..with the fraction of tryptophan which is not protein bound (free or ultrafilterable).1978Ibid. 2 Mar. 65/2 The supernatant was ultrafiltered twice..to separate the proteins into three fractions with molecular weights..above 50,000, between 10,000 and 50,000 and below 10,000.

