
单词 undignified
释义 unˈdignified, ppl. a.
[un-1 8.]
1. Of clergy: Not holding a position of dignity; not ranking as a dignitary. ? Obs.
1689Apol. Fail. Walker's Acc. 24 All this by the Service..attributed to one of their undignify'd Clergy.1776Entick London I. 95 A great number of the undignified clergy.1833Alison Hist. Eur. I. iii. 125 The great body of the undignified ecclesiastics.
2. Not dignified by or with something; undistinguished.
1716Swift Further Acc. E. Curll Wks. 1755 III. i. 154 An undignified scribler of a sheet and half.1744J. Harris Coll. Voy. & Trav. I. Ded., I have also chosen the greatest..Body of Men undignified with Titles.1779–81Johnson L.P., Prior Wks. III. 134 Through the reigns of William and Anne no prosperous event passed undignified by poetry.a1821[see unbenefited].
3. Lacking in dignity of manner, etc.
1782V. Knox Ess. iii. (1819) I. 18 The undignified vivacity of nations which have been taught by their philosophy to degrade human nature.1836Hor. Smith Tin Trump. I. 14 Deep and genuine emotion..is never undignified, never ungraceful.1880McCarthy Own Times xli. III. 233 He sometimes ran the risk of seeming undignified.
Hence unˈdignifiedly adv.
1856Faber Creator & Creature i. ii. (1858) 70 Facts which seem so undignifiedly familiar.1859F. Francis Newton Dogvane xxx, Sneaking,..undignifiedly, out of the gate.

