
单词 relevation
释义 releˈvation Obs.
[a. OF. relevacion (Godef.), or ad. L. relevātiōn-em, n. of action f. relevāre to relieve.]
The action of raising, lifting up, supporting, relieving, etc.
c1400Beryn 3687 [She] thanked God..Of hir relevacioun from woo into gladness.1433Rolls of Parlt. IV. 445/1 Yn relevation of that charge.1451Ibid. V. 222/2 In relevation of oure Navie, and supportation of the grete charges of the same.1471in Gross Gild Merch. II. 262 Payng for theire stondynge..i. d., in releuacion of the kynges ferme.1606J. Carpenter Solomon's Solace xxxiii. 136 The worde which the King here vseth..hath tediousnesse and no releuation, it hath sorrowfull despare.1658Phillips, Relevation, a raising or lifting up again.
So ˈrelevator, one who raises.
1865Neale Hymns Paradise 32 Thou in fall my Relevator.

