
单词 afeard
释义 afeard, -ed, ppl. a.|əˈfɪəd|
Forms: 1–2 afǽred, 2–5 afered, 3 offearet, offered, 3–6 aferd, 4–6 affered, afferd; 5–6 aferde, afferde; 6 afearde, 6–7 afeard, afear'd; 7 affeard, -'d; 9 afear(e)d.
[f. afear v. + -ed. Used more than 30 times by Shakespeare, but rare in literature after 1700, having been supplanted by afraid. It survives everywhere in the popular speech, either as afeard, or 'feard; and has again been used in poetry by W. Morris.]
Affected with fear or terror; frightened, afraid.
c1000O.E. Gosp. Mark ix. 6 He wæs afæred mid eᵹe.a1090O.E. Chron. (Laud MS.) an. 1083 And þa wæron þa munecas swiðe áferede of heom.c1230Ancren Riwle 8 Hit wolde..hurten ower heorte, & makien ou so offered.1297R. Glouc. 388 Of noþing he nas aferd.c1386Chaucer Shipman's T. 400 This wyf was not affered ne affrayed.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 290/1 He..was aferd and adrad of the Sepulcre of our lord.a1560Chaucer's Test. of Love i. 276/1 He that is afearde of his clothes, let him daunce naked.1563Homilies (1859) 514 Why therefore shouldest thou be afeard of the danger.1601Shakes. All's Well v. iii. 153, I am afeard, the life of Helen, lady, Was foully snatch'd.1605Macb. v. i. 41 Fye, my Lord, fie! A Souldier and affear'd?1603Greenwey Tacitus' Ann. iv. xv. (1622) 114 Some came backe and shewed themselues againe, afeard for that they were seene to be afeard.1664Pepys Diary (1879) III. 10, I am sometimes afeard that he do this only in policy.a1689Popish Pol. Unmaskt 122 in T.C.P. 23/2 Stand listning now concern'd, and much afear'd.1868W. Morris Earthly Par. I. 23, I was sore afeared At all the cries and wailing that I heard.Ibid. I. 373 She woke and heard A rustling noise, and grew right sore afeard.

