
单词 aknee
释义 aknee, adv., prop. phr.|əˈniː|
Forms: 1–3 on cneowe, 3 a cneowe, a cnouwe, 4 a knowe, a cneo, akneo, a cne. Also in pl. 3 a cneon, a kneon, 4 aknen; north. 3 o cnewwess, 4 a knewes.
[f. on prep. + knee. Obs. a 1500, but used in sing. by Southey. In plural we now say on my (his, etc.) knees.]
On one's knee or knees.
c1200St. Marherete lxvii, Malchus herde thes wordes, he sette him acne.1205Lay. 29573 He lai on cneowe ibede.Ibid. 14305 Reowen sæt a cneowe [1250 a cnouwe].c1300Beket 1696 And to his fet ful akneo.c1300K. Alis. 3540 And made mony knyght aknawe, On medewe.1805Southey Madoc in Azt. vii. Wks. V. 250 Aknee they fell before the Prince.
b. with pl. Obs.
c1200Ormin 6467 Fellenn dun o cnewwess.c1230Ancr. R. 44 Ualleð akneon to ðer eorðe.Ibid. 16 Efter þis ualleð acneon to ower crucifix.a1300K. Horn 340 (Halliw.) Tho Athelbius astounde Fel aknen [334 in ed. 1866, anon] to grounde.c1330Arth. & Merl. 2353 To forn him aknewes sche fel.

