
单词 agammaglobulinæmia
释义 agammaglobulinæmia Path.|eɪˌgæməˌglɒbjʊlɪˈniːmɪə|
[mod.L., f. a- 14 + gamma globulin + Gr. αἷµα blood.]
Lack of gamma globulin in the blood. Hence aˌgammaglobuliˈnæmic, (chiefly U.S.) -ˈemic a.
1952O. C. Bruton in Pediatrics IX. 722 Agammaglobulinemia. The complete absence of gamma globulin in human serum with a normal total protein..does not appear to have as yet been reported in the literature.1954Lancet 2 Oct. 671/2 Agammaglobulinæmia. A syndrome has recently been described in America in which recurrent severe infections are associated with a virtual absence of γ-globulin from the serum, the levels of the other plasma-protein fractions remaining within normal limits.1957Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. LXIV. 893 Antibody production in an agammaglobulinemic female.1961Lancet 29 July 246/1 In congenital agammaglobulinæmia, where the incidence of a rheumatoid-like condition is high, family studies have revealed a hereditary factor.1966Lancet 26 Nov. 1152/2 Data obtained from a normal infant born of an agammaglobulinæmic mother are the basis of this report.1985Jrnl. Virol. LV. 567/1 These piglets were agammaglobulinemic at birth.

