
单词 alveolus
释义 alveolus|ælˈviːələs|
Pl. -i.
[L. alveolus, dim. of alveus a cavity.]
A small cavity; hence a. The socket of a tooth; b. The cell of a honey-comb; c. The conical chamber of a Belemnite, or the conical body found in it.
1706Phillips, Alveolus, any wooden Vessel made hollow; a Tray. Among Anatomists, Alveoli dentium are the Holes in the Jaws in which the Teeth are set.1746Da Costa in Phil. Trans. XLIV. 398 This conic Cavity is..filled with a regular jointed conic Body, called by Lithologists the Alveolus of the Belemnites.1753Chambers Cycl. Supp., Alveoli, waxen cells in the combs of bees..The alveoli are all of a hexagonal figure.1799Corse in Phil. Trans. LXXXIX. 229 The alveoli or sockets of the two grinders.1881Mivart Cat 27 Each alveolus closely invests the fang contained within it.
d. A small depression on the mucous membrane of the stomach.
1848Quain's Anat. (ed. 5) II. 1025 The gastric mucous membrane..is seen to be marked..with little depressions or cells, named alveoli.1858Gray Anat. 605 The entire surface of the mucous membrane [of the stomach] is covered with small shallow depressions or alveoli.
e. An air-cell of the lungs.
1859A. T. H. Waters in Proc. R. Soc. X. 17 Structure..of the human lung... Here and there circular orifices exist, leading to smaller air-sacs, sometimes only to a small group of ‘air-cells’, or alveoli.1873T. H. Green Introd. Path. (ed. 2) xxxvii. 295 Minute spots of a more decidedly yellow colour..which are very common in capillary bronchitis, are merely alveoli containing mucus and purulent matter which has been drawn in by the act of inspiration.1909Practitioner Dec. 859 The alveoli themselves are distended with a mixture of gases.
f. An acinus of a compound gland.
1867Quain's Anat. (ed. 7) I. p. clxxxvii, [The trabeculæ] are mostly lamellar in form, and divide the space into small compartments, alveoli, from 1/60 to 1/24 of an inch wide.1880E. Klein Atlas of Histology xxiv. 192 The alveoli of all salivary glands..are surrounded by a dense network of capillary blood-vessels.1920Gray's Anat. (ed. 21) 1087 Each lobule [in compound racemose glands] consists of the ramification of a single duct, the branches ending in dilated ends or alveoli.Ibid., (caption) Surface view of alveolus.1953Faber Med. Dict., 7/1 Acinus, one of the minute berry-like beginnings of the excretory ducts of a racemose gland. Syn. alveolus.

