
音标: 英 ['slækə(r)] 美 [ˈslækɚ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 懒惰虫, 逃避兵役者

n. a person who shirks his work or duty (especially one who tries to evade military service in wartime)


1. We've no room for slackers of cowards in our kingdom.


2. Sure, if you're some lazy noaccount slacker.

是啊 对于没用的懒汉来说再好不过了

3. It seems like more of a slacker than a killer.

看起来更像是个废物 而非杀手

4. We have to do something to prove that this crew isn't a bunch of slackers.

我们必须拿出行动 证明这船上不是只有懒鬼

5. He was a bit of a slacker, but this report was impressive, insightful, even.

他虽然有点混 但是他这次作的报告令人印象深刻 甚至可以说是非常有洞察力的

6. I just I concentrated on teaching neuroscience to uppermiddleclass slackers.

专心向那些中产懒虫们 讲授神经系统科学

7. He'll never be anything more than a lazy slacker the rest of his life.

他会一事无成 终其一生都是个懒鬼

8. I've seen slackers come and go, but I promised your dad I'd look after you, which at the time didn't seem like such a project.

我看着怠惰的士兵来来去去 但是我答应了*爸要照顾你 那时候我不知道会是这么大一项工程

9. It's because thoughtless slackers like you chugged too much Impulse and when you snapped back, the world went to shit, that's why.

正是由于像你这种自私的懒鬼 喝了太多脉冲 当你们回过神的时候 世界陷入混乱 这就是原因
