
音标: 英 [ˌʌnˈkʌt] 美 [ʌnˈkʌt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 未割的, 未修剪的, 未切的, 边未切齐的, 毛边的, 未削减的, 未缩略的

a. not shaped by cutting or trimming
a. (of pages of a book) having adjacent leaves still joined at the fore edge
a. not cut


1. Until she offered you an uncut sapphire.


2. Yeah, we have no idea you're an uncut jewel.

是啊 我们不知道你这块宝石未经雕琢

3. The kind you get from the sharpened edges of an uncut diamond.

是你在打磨一颗未雕琢的 钻石边缘时弄的

4. I just thought that, you know, maybe you might be uncut.


5. Gonna find ten kilograms of uncut cocaine in his home.


6. I'm sorry. I heard a fire truck and I was worried you'd choked on an uncut grape.

抱歉 我听到消防车的声音 我怕你被一颗没切开的葡萄噎死了

7. I'm trying to give folks what they need, a juicy helping of uncut truth.

我只想满足他们的需求 见识未经粉饰的真相

8. They shut off the alarms, blow the doors, and only steal uncut, untraceable diamonds.

关闭了警报 炸开门 只偷未打磨的 无法追查的钻石

9. All right, we're looking for the uncut stuff so we can test it and determine the source.

我们要找的是没有被分包的* 以便我们能进行测试并判断出来源
