
音标: 英 [blæntʃt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


v. 使变白( blanch的过去式 ); 使(植物)不见阳光而变白; <冶>酸洗(金属)使有光泽; <烹>用沸水烫(杏仁等)以便去皮

v turn pale, as if in fear
v cook (vegetables) briefly
s anemic looking from illness or emotion
s (especially of plants) developed without chlorophyll by being deprived of light


1. So, what you do is you blanch them for about 30 seconds.


2. You operatives have carte blanche with the agency's accounts.

你们外勤特工有局里账户的 全权委托权限

3. I like blanching them in water, taking them out, then frying them.

我喜欢用热水滚一下面团 然后捞出来煎

4. Blanche, you aren't ever gonna sell this house.

布兰琪 你绝对不能卖掉这幢房子

5. I made it clear, carte blanche or nothing at all.

我也清楚地表示过了 要么我全权负责 要么你找别人

6. You have carte blanche to turn these girls into men.


7. You don't have carte blanche over my house anymore, honey.

你沒有權利支配我的房子了 寶貝

8. Oh, and now I have carte blanche to the flower district.

不过 现在花卉市场的事 由我全权处理

9. He's given me carte blanche to do whatever I want to do with my office.

他全权授权我想怎么 拾掇我的办公室都可以

10. He's got carte blanche to do whatever he wants now.

他恢复自由身了 之后去留由他
