
音标: 英 [,hɔmə'fəubik]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 害怕同性恋的

s. prejudiced against homosexual people


1. They called me a homophobe! I'm not a homophobe, man.

他们说我恐同 我不是 兄弟

2. If you mean, is it because I'm homophobic.

如果你是说 是因为我恐同

3. That was before they started with the homophobic comments.


4. No, they could be racist, they could be homophobic, they could be sexist, they could be misogynistic.

不对 他们可能种族歧视 可能恐同 可能性别歧视 可能有厌女症

5. She can't seduce strangers, and she's more than a little homophobic.

她无法引诱陌生人 她还是个恐同者

6. We wanna keep the homophobes out of our country.


7. So, give us the passes, you homophobe.

所以 把通行证给我们 你个恐同

8. He does that, and noone can say it's homophobic.

他这么做的话 没有人会说这是恐同行为

9. I travelled to meet some of the most notorious homophobes on the planet.

我就出发去拜访一些 世界上最臭名昭著的恐同人士

10. I travelled to meet some of the most notorious homophobes on the planet..

我就出发去拜访一些 世界上最臭名昭著的恐同人士
