
音标: 英 ['kləʊvə(r)] 美 [ˈklovɚ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 红花草
[建] 三叶草

n. a plant of the genus Trifolium


1. It should have clovered up this last rain.

上场雨下完 应该要长苜蓿的

2. A fourleaf clover hidden in a cloverfield.


3. It's fourleaf clovers that are lucky, not shamrocks.

四叶草才代表好运 不是三叶草

4. With all this rain, see if any of that clover came up.

这么大雨 看看有没有苜蓿冒出来

5. A fourleaf clover should be a nice addition to your other tattoos.

送你一朵四叶草 肯定能为你其它的纹身 锦上添花

6. They ate all the grass and clover in the entire world.


7. If we push the heard down here, they're gonna get into that clover.

如果我们从这赶牛 它们就会吃到苜蓿

8. Sure, there's the green clovers and the yellow moons.

当然 里面有幸运草和黄月亮形状的

9. Clover, I've gotta go back in, I've gotta help them.

克罗弗 我要回去 我想帮他们

10. Clover, keep digging, find out everything you can.

克洛弗 盡你所能繼續查
