
音标: 英 [kɒst] 美 [kɒst]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 代价, 价值, 费用
vi. 花费
vt. 使失去, 值, 使花费

n. the total spent for goods or services including money and time and labor
v. be priced at
v. require to lose, suffer, or sacrifice


1. This costs me more, so it costs you more.

这会浪费我更多 也浪费你更多

2. the more this war costs me and the more it costs them.

战争就会令我付出更大代价 也会令他们付出更大代价

3. It doesn't cost money, it costs votes.

你们吵来吵去 浪费的不是钱 是投票数

4. The cost of recent events, the cost on you.

最近这些事的代价 你行为的代价

5. Cost them nothing, cost you the ranch.

他们什么都不会损失 你却会失去牧场

6. Our costs go up, your costs go up. It's only logical.

<font color=#00d8f8>ǵijɱ ǵķҲ ܺ</font>

7. Cos we saved the universe, but at a cost, and the cost is him.

因为我们虽然拯救了宇宙 但也是有代价的 那就是他

8. It's gonna cost you whatever it costs me, plus my end.

我付多少你给多少 加上我的酬劳

9. He has cost innocent lives nearly cost mine.

让无辜者丧命 还差点害死我

10. And if it cost us this election, then it could cost us every election.

如果它导致我们的竞选落败 那它可能会让我们所有的竞选都落败
