
音标: 英 [,ʌndə'fʌnd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


vt. 对…提供的资金不足


1. Like most schools, it was an underfunded institution.

那所学校和大多数学校一样 资金不足

2. We're underfunded, and sometimes the machine breaks down.

缺乏运营资金 而且有时候机器还会出故障

3. The victim of underfunded public defense system.


4. Buffalo is underfunded, undermanned, and they need our help.

水牛城方面人力物力匮乏 需要我们的帮助

5. You know, in an underfunded public school kind of way.


6. Child services is understaffed, underfunded, and makes mistakes.

儿童服务部一直人手不够 资金不足 并且还会出错

7. Yeah, the grant's so underfunded, it wouldn't come close to what's needed.

是的 补助金太少了 完全不够

8. The fine men and women of my department heroes all are understaffed and underfunded.

我部门里的精英男女们 都是英雄 却面临着人手和资金的不足

9. Believe you me, when I think of the difficulties that our chronic underfunding has meant for our patients, it just makes my blood boil.

相信我 我每每想到 本该给病患的资金长期不足的难题 都气得我五内俱焚

10. I'm a medical technician, and I believe health care infrastructure is underfunded when it comes to dealing with the undocumented population.

我是个医疗技术人员 我相信医疗基础设施 在处理无证居民时 会显得力不从心
