
词组 Nouns
释义 <eng>Nouns</eng><chn><chn_tc>名詞</chn_tc><chn_sc>名词</chn_sc></chn>
Countable Nouns可數名詞可数名词[countable]A countable noun (or count noun) has a singular form and a plural form. When it is singular, it must always have a determiner (a word such as a, the, both, or each) in front of it. In the plural it can be used with or without a determiner.可數名詞有單、複數兩種形式。作單數時,前面一定要有限定詞(determiner),如 athebotheach 等;作複數時,前面有無限定詞均可。可数名词有单、复数两种形式。作单数时,前面一定要有限定词(determiner),如 athebotheach 等;作复数时,前面有无限定词均可。I'm having a driving lesson this afternoon.我今天下午上駕駛課。我今天下午上驾驶课。I've had several lessons already.我已經上了幾課。我已经上了几课。Lessons cost £20 an hour.每小時的課需付 20 英鎊。每小时的课需付 20 英镑。Countable nouns are the most common type of noun. If they have only one meaning, or if all the meanings are countable, they are just marked noun. For nouns that have a number of meanings, some of which are not countable, each meaning that is countable is marked [countable].可數名詞是最常見的一類名詞。如果只有一個含義或所有含義均為可數,就只標註 noun;如果有幾個含義,有些含義為不可數,則每個可數的含義都標註 [countable]可数名词是最常见的一类名词。如果只有一个含义或所有含义均为可数,就只标注 noun;如果有几个含义,有些含义为不可数,则每个可数的含义都标注 [countable]
Uncountable Nouns不可數名詞不可数名词[uncountable]An uncountable noun (also called non-count noun or mass noun) has only one form, not a separate singular and plural. It can be used with or without a determiner.不可數名詞只有一種形式,無單、複數之分,前面有或沒有限定詞均可。不可数名词只有一种形式,无单、复数之分,前面有或没有限定词均可。Can we make space for an extra chair?我們能不能騰個地方再放一把椅子?我们能不能腾个地方再放一把椅子?There isn't much space in this room.這房間沒有多大的空間。这房间没有多大的空间。If an uncountable noun is the subject of a verb, the verb is singular.如果不可數名詞是動詞的主語,該動詞用單數。如果不可数名词是动词的主语,该动词用单数。Extra money has been found for this project.已有額外的款項供這個項目之用。已有额外的款项供这个项目之用。With nouns such as furniture, information and equipment, as with many other uncountable nouns, you can talk about amounts of the thing or separate parts of the thing by using phrases like a piece of, three items of, some bits of. Nouns like piece, item, bit are called PARTITIVES when used in this way.furnitureinformationequipment 一類的名詞與其他許多不可數名詞一樣,可用 a piece ofthree items ofsome bits of 等短語來表示量或件數;pieceitembit 之類的名詞作此用法時稱為量詞(partitive)。furnitureinformationequipment 一类的名词与其他许多不可数名词一样,可用 a piece ofthree items ofsome bits of 等短语来表示量或件数;piece、item 和 bit 之类的名词作此用法时称为量词(partitive)。I picked up some information that might interest you.我注意到一些信息,或許你會感興趣。我注意到一些信息,或许你会感兴趣。I picked up two pieces of information that might interest you.我注意到兩則消息,或許你會感興趣。我注意到两则消息,或许你会感兴趣。
Plural Nouns複數名詞复数名词[plural]Some nouns are always plural and have no singular form. Nouns that refer to things that have two parts joined together, for example glasses, jeans, and scissors, are often plural nouns. You can usually also talk about a pair of jeans, a pair of scissors, etc.有些名詞總是複數,無單數形式。由兩部份組成的東西,如 glasses(眼鏡)、jeans(牛仔褲)和 scissors (剪刀)等均常為複數名詞;通常亦可用 a pair of jeansa pair of scissors 等表示。有些名词总是复数,无单数形式。由两部分组成的东西,如 glasses(眼镜)、jeans(牛仔裤)和 scissors (剪刀)等均常为复数名词;通常亦可用 a pair of jeansa pair of scissors 等表示。I'm going to buy some new jeans.我要買新的牛仔褲。我要买新的牛仔裤。I’m going to buy a new pair of jeans.我要買一條新牛仔褲。我要买一条新牛仔裤。An example is given in the entry for the noun to show that it can be used in this way.在名詞詞條中有示例表明該名詞可以這樣用。在名词词条中有示例表明该名词可以这样用。Some plural nouns, such as police and cattle, look as if they are singular. Nouns like this usually refer to a group of people or animals of a particular type, when they are considered together as one unit. They also take a plural verb.有些複數名詞,如 police(警方)和 cattle(牛),看上去似乎是單數。這類名詞作為一個整體看待時,通常指特定的人或動物群體,謂語動詞用複數。有些复数名词,如 police(警方)和 cattle(牛),看上去似乎是单数。这类名词作为一个整体看待时,通常指特定的人或动物群体,谓语动词用复数。Police are searching for a man who escaped from Pentonville prison today.警方正在搜捕一名今天從本頓維爾監獄逃跑的犯人。警方正在搜捕一名今天从本顿维尔监狱逃跑的犯人。The cattle are fed on barley and grass.這些牛餵大麥和草。这些牛喂大麦和草。
Singular Nouns單數名詞单数名词[singular]Some nouns are always singular and have no plural form. Many nouns like this can be used in only a limited number of ways. For example, some singular nouns must be or are often used with a particular determiner in front of them or with a particular preposition after them. The correct determiner or preposition is shown before the definition.有些名詞總是單數,無複數形式,許多這樣的名詞只有幾種有限的用法。例如,有些單數名詞必須或常常前接某個特定限定詞或後接某個特定介詞。適用的限定詞或介詞列於釋義前。有些名词总是单数,无复数形式,许多这样的名词只有几种有限的用法。例如,有些单数名词必须或常常前接某个特定限定词或后接某个特定介词。适用的限定词或介词列于释义前。
Nouns with singular or plural verbs與單數或複數動詞連用的名詞与单数或复数动词连用的名词[singular + singular/plural verb] [countable + singular/plural verb] [uncountable + singular/plural verb]In British English some singular nouns (or countable nouns in their singular form) can be used with a plural verb as well as a singular one. Nouns like this usually refer to a group of people, an organization, or a place, and can be thought of either as the organization, place or group (singular) or as many individual people (plural). In the dictionary an example is usually given to show agreement with a singular and plural verb.在英式英語中有些單數名詞(或可數名詞的單數形式)既可與單數動詞連用,也可與複數動詞連用。這類名詞通常指人的集體、機構或地點等,既可視為一個整體(單數),也可視為許多個體(複數)。本詞典中通常給出這類名詞與單數動詞和複數動詞一致的示例。在英式英语中有些单数名词(或可数名词的单数形式)既可与单数动词连用,也可与复数动词连用。这类名词通常指人的集体、机构或地点等,既可视为一个整体(单数),也可视为许多个体(复数)。本词典中通常给出这类名词与单数动词和复数动词一致的示例。The Vatican has/have issued a further statement this morning.梵蒂岡今早發表了進一步的聲明。梵蒂冈今早发表了进一步的声明。These nouns are marked [singular + singular/plural verb] if they are always singular in form, and [countable + singular/plural verb] if they also have a plural form. The plural form always agrees with a plural verb.這些名詞如果總是單數形式,則標示為 [singular + singular/plural verb];如果亦有複數形式,則標示為 [countable + singular/plural verb]。複數形式用複數動詞。这些名词如果总是单数形式,则标示为 [singular + singular/plural verb];如果亦有复数形式,则标示为 [countable + singular/plural verb]。复数形式用复数动词。Note that in American English the singular form of these nouns must take a singular verb.注意在美式英語中,這些名詞的單數形式必須用單數動詞。注意在美式英语中,这些名词的单数形式必须用单数动词。The government says it is committed to tax reform.政府承諾要進行稅制改革。政府承诺要进行税制改革。Some uncountable nouns can be used with a plural verb as well as a singular one. These include some nouns that end in -s and therefore look as though they are plural有些不可數名詞既可與單數動詞連用,也可與複數動詞連用,其中包括某些以 -s 結尾而看上去像是複數的名詞有些不可数名词既可与单数动词连用,也可与复数动词连用,其中包括某些以 -s 结尾而看上去像是复数的名词His whereabouts are/is still unknown.他仍然下落不明。他仍然下落不明。and some nouns that refer to a group of people or things and can be thought of either as a group (singular) or as many individual people or things (plural).另有一些名詞,既可視為集體(單數),也可視為許多個體(複數)。另有一些名词,既可视为集体(单数),也可视为许多个体(复数)。Personnel is/are currently reviewing pay scales.人事部現在正審核工資標準。人事部现在正审核工资标准。
Patterns with nouns與名詞連用的句型与名词连用的句型Many nouns are followed by particular preposition, adverb or other pattern. The correct pattern to use is shown in bold type, either before the definition or before an individual example. Where any part of a pattern is optional, it is given in brackets. The example sentences show the patterns in use.許多名詞後接特定介詞、副詞或其他句型。正確的句型在釋義或單個示例前用粗體字顯示,可省略的部份放在括號內。例句表明句型的應用。许多名词后接特定介词、副词或其他句型。正确的句型在释义或单个示例前用粗体字显示,可省略的部分放在括号内。例句表明句型的应用。

