
词组 thanks
释义 thanks /θæŋks/ SEE ALL
(be) no thanks to sb/sth(be) in spite of sb/sth 不是由于;不归功于It’s no thanks to you that we arrived on time — you kept wanting to stop!
thanks to sb/sth (sometimes ironic) because of sb/sth 因为;多亏;由于We won the game thanks to a lot of hard work from everyone in the team.
We lost the match, thanks to a few silly mistakes.
a ˌvote of ˈthanksa short formal speech in which you thank sb for sth and ask other people to join you in thanking them 致谢词I’d like to propose a vote of thanks to Ms Waters for her interesting talk.让我们感谢沃特斯女士精彩的演讲。

