
词组 lesson
释义 lesson /ˈlesn/ SEE ALLlearn your ˈlessonlearn what to do or what not to do in the future because you have had a bad experience in the past 吸取教训I used to carry a lot of money on me, until one day my bag was stolen. Since then, I’ve learned my lesson.以前,我总是随身携带大量现金,有一天我的包被偷了。从那以后,我就吸取了教训。an ˈobject lessona practical example of what you should or should not do in a particular situation 可供借鉴的实例It was an object lesson in how not to make a speech. He did absolutely everything wrong.这是个反例,告诉我们怎样演讲是不对的。他做的一切都不对。 ORIGIN An object lesson was a school lesson that used real objects as a way of teaching in a very direct and practical way. * object lesson 原指非常直观、注重实践的实物教学课。teach sb a ˈlesson ( ˈteach sb (to do sth)) learn from a punishment or because of an unpleasant experience, that you have done sth wrong or made a mistake 给某人一个教训He needs to be taught a lesson (= he should be punished).该好好教训他一顿。Losing all his money in a card game has taught him a lesson he’ll never forget.玩牌把钱全输光了,这给了他一个永远难忘的教训。That’ll teach you! Perhaps you’ll be more careful in future!这对你是个教训!也许以后你会小心些了!

