
词组 boy
释义 boy /bɔɪ/ SEE ALL
a ˈmummy’s/ˈmother’s boy (BrE) (NAmE a ˈmama’s boy) (disapproving) a boy or man who is thought to be too weak because he is influenced and controlled by his mother 离不开母亲的男孩(或男人)He’s a bit of a mummy’s boy really. He ought to leave home and become a bit more independent.
She always makes sure he wears a scarf — he’s a real mother’s boy.
your, sb’s, etc. ˌblue-eyed ˈboy (informal, usually disapproving) the favourite, especially of a person in authority; a person that sb thinks is perfect 某人的红人;宠儿Bob is certain to be promoted: he’s the manager’s blue-eyed boy.鲍勃肯定会得到提拔,他是经理的红人。a ˈgolden boya young man who is very successful and popular 金童;骄子;受赏识的青年人He had been the golden boy of Welsh rugby.他曾是威尔士橄榄球界的骄子。ˌman and ˈboyfrom when sb was young to when they were old or older 从小到大;自幼;一辈子He’s been doing the same job for 50 years — man and boy.他从小就干这工作,有 50 年了。old ˈboy/ˈgirl (informal) 1. an older man/woman 年长的男子/妇女There’s a nice old boy living next door.隔壁住着一位和气的老头儿。2. a former pupil of a school 校友;老同学He’s one of our most famous old boys.他是我们最出名的校友之一。We have an old girls’ reunion every five years.我们每五年举行一次女校友的聚会。the ˌold ˈboy network (BrE, informal) the practice of men who went to the same school using their influence to help each other at work or socially 校友关系网;老同学间的互相关照ˈposter child/boy/girl (NAmE) a person or thing that is seen as representing a particular quality or activity 代表人物;典型My aunt sees me as the poster child for failed relationships.我的姑母把我看成是恋爱失败的代表人物。He’s the IT industry’s poster boy for success.他是信息技术产业成功的典范。a ˈwhipping boya person who is blamed or punished for the mistakes of another person 替罪羊;代人受过者The directors are clearly responsible for what happened, but they’re sure to find a whipping boy lower down the company.虽然这事显然是理事们的责任,但他们肯定会从公司下层里找一个替罪羊。It was your fault, and I am not going to be your whipping boy.这是你的错,我不会代你受过。 ORIGIN In the past when a royal prince made a mistake in his lessons, another boy was whipped (= punished) for his mistakes. 这个习语源于旧时为王子陪读并代为受罚挨鞭的伴读男孩。a ˈwide boy (BrE, informal, disapproving) a man who makes money in dishonest ways 在交易中不诚实的人If he offers you a business deal, say no. He’s a bit of a wide boy.要是他想和你做生意,千万别答应。他是个骗子。

