
词组 bill
释义 bill /bɪl/ SEE ALL
head/top the ˈbillbe the most important item or performer in a show, play, etc. 是最重要的节目(或表演者);主演;压轴Topping the bill tonight will be Robbie Williams.
今晚的压轴歌手是罗比 ∙ 威廉斯。
a clean bill of ˈhealtha statement that sb is well or sth is in a satisfactory condition 健康证明;合格证明The doctor’s given her a clean bill of health.医生给她开了健康证明。 ORIGIN A bill of health was an official document given to the captain of a ship when leaving a particular port that said that nobody on the ship carried any disease or infection. * bill of health 指船舶检疫证书。fit the ˈbill (informal) be suitable for a purpose 适合;符合We need a new sofa for the living room, and I think this one will fit the bill quite nicely.我们的客厅需要一张新沙发,我看这个就挺合适的。foot the ˈbill (for sth)be responsible for paying the cost of sth 负担费用;买单The local council will have to foot the bill for damage done to the roads in last years’s floods.当地政务委员会将要为在过去几年的洪水中被破坏的道路承担维修费用。

