
单词 prating
释义 I. prating, vbl. n.|ˈpreɪtɪŋ|
[f. prate v. + -ing1.]
The action of the vb. prate; idle chatter; boasting, mischievous talk.
c1460G. Ashby Dicta Philos. 684 Ye aught not to haue other in hatyng, But hertely cherissh theim withoute prating.1538Bale Thre Lawes 1783 Here is a pratynge with a very vengeaunce!1622Bacon Hen. VII 164 After that these two, had by ioynt and severall Pratings found tokens of consent in the Multitude.1706–7Farquhar Beaux Strat. i. i, Hold your prating, Sirrah, do you know who you are?1813Byron Corsair i. vii, ‘Peace, peace!’ — He cuts their prating short.
attrib.1593Nashe Four Lett. Confut. Wks. (Grosart) II. 247 Since we are here, on our prating bench in a close roome.
II. ˈprating, ppl. a.
[f. as prec. + -ing2.]
That prates, talking idly, chattering.
1567Triall Treas. (1850) 11 Looke on this legge, ye prating slaues, I remember since it was no greater then a tree.1581Mulcaster Positions xxxviii. (1887) 175 There be as prating boyes, as there be pratling wenches.1676Bunyan Strait Gate Wks. (1846) 272 A prating tongue will not unlock the gates of heaven.1754Richardson Grandison III. xxii. 217 Can there be a greater torment than an officious prating Love?1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. xx. IV. 464 Montague was a brilliant rhetorician, and, therefore,..represented by detractors as a superficial, prating pretender.
Hence ˈpratingly adv.
1755Johnson, Pratingly, with tittle tattle; with loquacity.

