
单词 portly
释义 portly, a. (adv.)|ˈpɔətlɪ|
Also 6 portely.
[f. port n.4 + -ly1, -ly2.]
Characterized by stateliness or dignity of bearing, appearance, and manner; stately, dignified, handsome, majestic; imposing.
a1529Skelton Sp. Parrot 453 So myche portlye pride, with pursys penyles.a1536Calisto & Melibæa in Hazl. Dodsley I. 61 Her resplendent virtue, her portly courage.a1553Udall Royster D. iii. iii. (Arb.) 47 Ye must haue a portely bragge after your estate.1586Marlowe 1st Pt. Tamburl. i. ii. 186 To be my queen and portly emperess.1602Warner Alb. Eng. x. lix. (1612) 257 So gracious, portly, fresh and faire..had Nature her compact.1687Dryden Hind & P. iii. 1141 A portly prince, and goodly to the sight.1706Phillips, Portly, that bears a good Port or Meen, stately, comely.1882W. Ballantine Exper. i. 7 He was a man of portly presence, a good scholar, I believe, and much respected.
b. Now usually connoting ‘Large and bulky in person; stout, corpulent’.
[Cf.1596Shakes. 1 Hen. IV, ii. iv. 464 A goodly portly man yfaith, and a corpulent.]1598Shakes. Merry W. i. iii. 69 Sometimes the beame of her view guilded my foote: sometimes my portly belly.1727Bailey vol. II, Portly, bulky, majestical.1755Johnson, Portly..2. Bulky, swelling.1832Lytton Eugene A. ii. vii, Whatever might have been the maladies entailed upon the portly frame of Mr. Courtland.., a want of appetite was not among the number.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. xiv. III. 403 He dwindled in a few weeks from a portly and even corpulent man to a skeleton.1871Punch 23 Sept. 127/2 He's got so round and portly.
c. Of things: Stately, magnificent, grand, fine; in quot. a 1845 with pun, and allusion to b.
1548Udall Erasm. Par. Luke xix. 148 Jesus..viewyng and beholdyng the same citie [Jerusalem] portely and gorgeous of buildynges.1577Hanmer Anc. Eccl. Hist. (1619) 437 The portly gates of the pallace.1639Massinger Unnat. Combat iii. i, Portly and curious viands are prepared.1656Heylin Surv. France 91 Adorned with portly and antick imagery.1812L. Hunt in Examiner 7 Dec. 771/1 Comely sentences and portly veracities.a1845Hood Turtles vi, With sherry, brown or golden, Or port, so olden, Bereft of body 'tis no longer portly.
B. as adv. In a stately or dignified manner. Obs.
1607Middleton Your Five Gallants iv. viii. 250 One so fortunate..Shall bear himself more portly, live regarded, Keep house.

