
单词 popularist
释义 ˈpopularist
[f. popular a. + -ist.]
a. A democrat.
b. = populist 2.
189519th Cent. Sept. 526 There she finds two sorts of women: if I am allowed to use two Russianisms, she finds the ‘careerist’, and the ‘popularist’.
c. attrib. or as adj., concerning or appealing to the people generally, popular; also, democratic.
1890Times 22 Feb. 1/1 Even in Alsace-Lorraine one Socialist has been returned, while the Democrat or Popularist party has again been restored to life in the persons of two members.1922New Witness 25 Aug. 120/2 The P.P.I. must now be reckoned with as the most powerful political force in Italy... When one comes finally to examine the main points in the Popularist programme, one meets old friends often discussed in these pages.1962Listener 5 Apr. 585/2 The popularist fear of going into Europe is the fear of being swamped in another Holy Roman Empire.1970New Yorker 10 Oct. 150 What emerged was a popularist outlook (Hightower called it ‘human’) and the determination to dissolve painting and sculpture into broader aesthetic streams.1970Guardian Weekly 14 Nov. 3/4 There is no doubt that, after two years of passive and effacingly popularist administration, the President of All the People [sc. Nixon] tried to become President of Most of the People; a President who saw an opening to the..right.

