
单词 nineteen
释义 nineteen, a. (and n.)|naɪnˈtiːn, ˈnaɪntiːn|
Forms: α. 1 nihᵹon-, niᵹontyne, 3 niȝen-, nien-, 3–4 neȝen-, 5 nyentene. β. 3 nintene, 4 nynten, ninetene, nenteyn, 4, 6 nyn(e)tene, 6 nyne-, 7 nineteene, 7– nineteen.
[OE. niᵹontýne = OFris. niogentena, niugenten, OS. nigen-, nichentein, MDu. and Du. negentien, OHG. niunzehan, -zên (MHG. niunzehen, G. neunzehn), ON. nítján (Sw. nitton, Da. nitten): see nine and ten.]
The cardinal number composed of ten and nine, represented by 19 or xix.
1. In concord with n. expressed.
αa1000Menologium 71 Embe nihᵹontyne niht Þæs þe Easter monað to us cymeð.c1055Byrhtferth's Handboc in Anglia VIII. 300 He yrnð niᵹontyne gear eall swa se oðer.c1380Sir Ferumb. 2699 Kyng heruer of Goran þe vitailes hadde y-sent..Be neȝentene vitaillers.
βc1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 14824 Mayster Edmond seis,..Þat þe Engle hadde nynetene sones.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xxii. (Laurence) 220 He baptist is þene, & of his nynten best men.1603Shakes. Meas. for M. i. ii. 172 So long, that nineteene Zodiacks haue gone round.1632Lithgow (title) The Totall Discourse of the rare Adventures..of long nineteen yeares Travayles from Scotland.1770Burke Pres. Discont. Wks. II. 310 It was not untill he had reigned nineteen years.1861Mill Utilit. ii. 22 Happiness is done without involuntarily by nineteen-twentieths of mankind.1892E. Reeves Homeward Bound 277 The nineteen doors facing the court of oranges.
Comb.1897Westm. Gaz. 13 Dec. 9/2 Nineteen-day accounts on the Stock Exchange are proverbially wearisome affairs.
2. a. With ellipsis of n., which may usually be supplied from context.
c1205Lay. 1850 Þa niȝentene [c 1275 neȝentene] heo slowen.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 10646 Tuelf hundered as in ȝer of grace & nintene, ich vnderstonde.c1385Chaucer L.G.W. Prol. 186, I saw cominge of ladyes nyntene.1426Lydg. De Guil. Pilgr. 17730, I selle the wyke, I selle the day,..Somtyme by twelue and by thryttene, By twenty ek, and by nyntene.a1550Wriothesley Chron. (Camden) I. 45 Which were nyneteene in number.1611Shakes. Wint. T. iii. iii. 65 Would any but these boylde-braines of nineteene and two and twenty hunt this weather?1799Underwood Diseases Children (ed. 4) III. 121 It will prove sufficiently nourishing for nineteen out of twenty.1827Pusey in Liddon Life I. (1894) 42 An expression which I had used when nineteen.1846Mrs. Gore Eng. Char. (1852) 39 The nineteen-and-sixpence she has netted incline her to return to the card-table.
b. Phr. to talk (run) nineteen to the dozen: to talk, or run on, at a great rate.
1785E. Sheridan Jrnl. 7 Aug. (1960) ii. 63 The Mother good humour'd and Civil but talks nineteen to the dozen.1852Reade Peg Woff. (1889) 50 He was talking nineteen to the dozen.1860Sala Baddington Peerage xliii, The ladies' maid's tongue was sure to run nineteen to the dozen.1883Stevenson in Longman's Mag. II. 293 A very cheerful..gentleman..who was talking away to me, nineteen to the dozen, as they say.1916‘Boyd Cable’ Action Front 187 They must be charging, I think, or our front line's fallen back, because the rifles is going nineteen to the dozen.1936A. Christie Murder in Mesopotamia v. 39 Presently Mr. Coleman bustled in and took the place beyond Miss Johnson... He talked away nineteen to the dozen.1956V. H. Collins Bk. Eng. Idioms 228 Talk nineteen to the dozen... Why ‘nineteen’? The obvious numeral would be the round number ‘twenty’. Possibly ‘nineteen’ was chosen just because, not being what might have been expected, it seemed to give a more striking effect.
3. = Nineteenth. Obs.
c1420Chron. Vilod. 3090 Of Etheldrede þe nyentetene ȝere & nomore.1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. clii. 181 The nynetene day of February next after.

