
单词 meanwhile
释义 mean while, ˈmeanwhile, n. and adv.
[Properly two words (see mean a.2 and while n.), and still often so written (cf. mean time).]
A. n., chiefly in advb. phrases.
1. in the mean while.
a. = ‘in the mean time’ as in mean time A. 1 a. Also in (that, this, which, etc.) mean while, in mean while, in the mean(s whiles.
c1350Will. Palerne 1148 Þan boþe partiȝes..made hem alle merie in þe mene while.c1386Chaucer Man of Law's T. 570 On this book he swoor anoon She gilty was, and in the meene whiles An hand hym smoot vpon the nekke boon.Friar's T. 147 In this meene while, This yeman gan a litel for to smyle.c1400Destr. Troy 3102 Ho..staryt O þat stoute with hire stepe Ene, There most was hir mynd in þat mene qwhile.c1540tr. Pol. Verg. Eng. Hist. (Camden) I. 286 In the mean whiles it fortuned that [etc.].1570–6Lambarde Peramb. Kent (1826) 285 Archbishop Baldwin went into the Holy Lande and died without returne in which meane while the Chapele of Hakington..was..demolished.1581J. Bell Haddon's Answ. Osor. 147 b, And where in the meanes whiles lurketh then the law that is written within, in the hartes of the faythfull?1590Marlowe Edw. II, iv. v, We in meanwhile, madam, must take advice How [etc.].1595Daniel Civ. Wars iv. xxxiv, Yet now in this so happie a meane while.1606Holland Sueton. 11 And in this meane while,..when the Senate thought good there should be but one Consul created, namely Cn. Pompeivs.1628E. Blount in Earle Microcosm. To Rdr. (Arb.) 18 In the meanwhile, I remaine Thine. Ed. Blovnt.1707Freind Peterborow's Cond. Sp. 235 In the mean while, my Lord pursu'd the Enemies Army.1818Cobbett Pol. Reg. XXXIII. 101 Upon this subject I will in my next Number make an appeal... In the meanwhile let me pride myself a little on the circumstance [etc.].1908H. G. Wells First & Last Things iii. viii. 123 The organized state..has not arrived..and in the meanwhile they must act like its anticipatory agents.1960G. Sanders Mem. Professional Cad ii. viii. 170 In the meanwhile the boat..evidently decided to end it all.1972Listener 1 June 705/2 In the meanwhile sanctions would be continued.
b. in the mean while that: during the time that. Obs.
1480Caxton Chron. Eng. cxxxix. 118 The emperesse in the mene whyle that the batayll dured escaped fro thens and went vnto oxenford.
c. In adversative or concessive use; cf. meantime 1 b.
1597Hooker Eccl. Pol. v. xlviii. §13 We pray..that God would turne them away from vs, owing in the meane while this deuotion to the Lord our God, that [etc.].1879McCarthy Own Times II. xxix. 368 In the meanwhile we may regard him simply as a great author.
2. the mean while = ‘in the mean while’, A. 1 a. Also this, that mean while(s, all this mean while, all that mean while during. Obs. exc. arch.
c1374Chaucer Troylus iii. 50 Lay al þis mene while Troylus, Recordynge his lesson in þis manere.14..Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 590/14 Interea, the mene whyle.1470–85Malory Arthur ii. iii. 79 The meane whyle that this knyght was makyng hym redy to departe [etc.].1548Udall Erasm. Par. Luke 20 b, Al that meane while duryng, [they] had a priest that could not speake.1654Earl of Monmouth tr. Bentivoglio's Warrs Flanders 363 But the United Provinces lost not the opportunity this mean whiles which offered it self so favourably to them.1658tr. Paruta's Wars Cyprus 40 Generall Zaune, was this mean while gone from Corfu.1922Joyce Ulysses 381 This meanwhile this good sister stood by the door.
3. for the mean while = ‘for the mean time’: see mean time A. 3.
c1386Chaucer Man of Law's T. 448 Ther was hir refut for the meene while.
4. Subst. use of the adv. (see B. 1). rare—1.
1872W. R. Greg Enigmas Life 191 The long ages of the Meanwhile.
B. adv. (Cf. mean time.)
1. = in the mean while, A. 1 a.
c1440Promp. Parv. 332/2 Mene whyle, interim.c1586C'tess Pembroke Ps. lxviii. i, The just meane while shall in Jehovah's presence Play, sing, and daunce.1588Shakes. Tit. A. i. i. 408 Let the lawes of Rome determine all, Meane while I am possest of that is mine.1678Butler Hud. iii. i. 99 Meanwhile the Squire was on his way, The Knight's late Orders to obey.1713Addison Cato ii. vi, Mean while I'll draw up my Numidian Troops, And, as I see Occasion, favour thee.1877Froude Short Stud. (1883) IV. i. x. 113 The archbishop meanwhile had returned from his adventurous expedition.
2. = in the mean while, A. 1 c.
1597J. King On Jonas (1618) 539 Meane-while, the time, and cause, and measure of this anger in Ionas, I thinke, are worthie to be blamed.1837G. S. Faber Prim. Doctr. Justif. 277 Meanwhile, the really primitive and apostolic and catholic doctrine was that of the Reformers.1876L. Stephen Eng. Th. 18th C. II. 443 Meanwhile, however, one characteristic of the English sentimentalists must be noticed.

