
单词 pasteque
释义 pasteque Obs.
Also 6–7 pateque, 7 pastique, -aique, 9 pastec.
[a. F. pastèque (pastɛk), pateque (1512 in Hatz.-Darm., 1610–79, Pyrard de Laval in Yule) = Pg. pateca, Sp. albudeca, badea, ad. Arab. al-baṭṭīkha, vulgar form of -biṭṭīkha; cf. Heb. ăbaṭṭīakh, Syr. paṭṭīkh (Numbers xi. 5).]
The Water-melon.
1585T. Washington tr. Nicholay's Voy. i. xviii. 21 Ther grow good Melons, Raues, and pateques.1660F. Brooke tr. Le Blanc's Trav. 184 A little kernell..like that of a Pastique, or Pumpion.1677J. P. tr. Tavernier's Trav. (1684) II. 80 There are also Pateques, or Water-Melons in abundance.1696tr. Du Mont's Voy. Levant 131 The Pastaique is a Fruit very much resembling a Citrul, but not quite so big... There are two sorts of it, one red and the other white.1826[J. R. Best] 4 Yrs. France 321 Melons and pastecs, or water-melons.

