
单词 Palæo-Siberian
释义 Palæo-Siˈberian, n. and a.
Also palæo-Siberian, Palæosiberian, and with the prefix spelt Paleo-.
[f. palæo-, paleo- + Siberian a. and n.]
A. n.
a. A member of any of several peoples of northern and eastern Siberia who are held to represent the earliest inhabitants of Siberia and whose languages do not belong to any of the major families.
b. The Palæo-Siberian group of languages.
1914M. A. Czaplicka Aboriginal Siberia ii. 15 If we are to provide a name for these unclassified tribes of the extreme north and east of Asia,..we would propose the name ‘Palaeo-Siberians’... It implies a comparison and a contrast with the other tribes—Finnic, Mongolic, Turkic, Samoyedic, and Tungusic—who are comparatively recent comers to Siberia.1965Language XLI. 122 Soviet research in the rather exotic field of Paleosiberian.1970Atlantic Monthly Feb. 111 The Paleosiberians and a small Mongol enclave in Afghanistan..use these two methods of taking Soma.1975Language LI. 482 He suggests that the correspondence of certain Proto-Uralic items to those of other language families (e.g., Indo-European, Indo-Iranian, Turkic, Paleo-Siberian, and Eskimo) is due to an ancient areal affinity, not to linguistic relationship.
B. adj. Of, pertaining to, or designating Palæo-Siberians.
1923R. B. Dixon Racial Hist. Man iii. v. 334 The conclusion cannot be escaped that a relationship of some sort exists between these Palæo-Siberian peoples of Asia and the Indian tribes of the northwest coast of America.1948D. Diringer Alphabet 156 The aboriginal or Palaeo⁓Siberian group..are mainly nomad reindeer breeders and hunters.1961L. F. Brosnahan Sounds of Language viii. 177 The area of the simple stress accent is much larger: it extends..from the west and south of Europe and includes..the..Mongolian, Tungus and Paleosiberian languages of eastern Asia.1964tr. Levin & Potapov's Peoples of Siberia 56 The characteristics..show an ancient paleo⁓Siberian race, features of which are observed in other Siberian tribes.

