
单词 yip
释义 I. yip, v.|jɪp|
In 5 ȝyppe, ȝippe, yepe.
1. intr. To cheep, as a young bird. Obs. or dial.
c1440Promp. Parv. 401/2 Pypyn, or ȝyppe, as henn byrdys (K., H. ȝippyn, as bryddys, P. yepyn).a1825Forby Voc. E. Anglia, Yip, v. to chirp like a newly hatched chicken, or other very young bird.
2. intr. To utter a sharp cry or yelp (with a dog or human being as subj.); to shout; to complain. orig. U.S.
1907K. D. Wiggin New Chron. Rebecca vii. 177 He would walk right up close and cuff 'em if they dared to yip.1922S. Lewis Babbitt vii. 99 There's a swell bunch of Lizzie boys and lemon-suckers..that love to fire off their filthy mouths and yip that Mike Monday is vulgar and full of mush.1927P. Marks Lord of Himself 15, I love to hear you yip at him.1945B. MacDonald Egg & I ii. 176 Sport and the puppy..yapping and yipping at each other.1963New Statesman 11 Jan. 38/3 Yet how does the victim react? He yips with delight.1978S. Radley Death & Maiden i. 6 [The] Jack Russell terrier had yipped itself to the edge of hysteria.
3. trans. To cry or exclaim (with the words spoken as direct obj.). U.S.
1927Sat. Even. Post 24 Dec. 84/2 ‘Hey!’ Jim yipped,..‘Get away from there!’1974Wodehouse Aunts aren't Gentlemen x. 81 ‘Has he brought it yet?’ she yipped.
Hence ˈyipping vbl. n. and ppl. a.; also yip-yipping.
1910N.Y. Even. Post 14 Oct. 4 The applause was really deafening..; not yip-yipping..but steady volume of vocal uproar.1951J. Masters Nightrunners of Bengal xv. 195 Women's voices rang clear..on the verandah, and a child's excited yipping.1956H. Gold Man who was not with It (1965) xi. 85 The inner yipping of a man who had assaulted the Pittsburgh of his babyhood may have given them obscure desires to kick me.1960I. Cross Backward Sex ii. 60, I could not help making a slight yipping noise as I tried to clear my throat.1977New Yorker 26 Sept. 42/1, I have spoken to those people about that yipping dog.1980A. Desai Clear Light of Day i. 3 He [sc. a dog] has such a beautiful voice, it's a pleasure to hear him. Not like the yipping and yapping of other people's little lap dogs.
II. yip, n. orig. U.S.|jɪp|
[Echoic: see prec.]
A short high-pitched cry, as from a dog; a shout, an exclamation; a complaint, an expostulation.
1911H. Quick Yellowstone Nights xii. 303 They chase 'em, with wild whoops an' yips over the undulatin' reservation.1928Wodehouse Money for Nothing ix. 208 If I'd been a life-insurance company I'd have paid up on him without a yip.1945B. MacDonald Egg & I xii. 179 The dog began to bark and, guided by his excited yips, I was able to follow the progress of the hunt around the ranch.1946E. Hodgins Mr. Blandings iii. 48 This is the first faint yip of pain he's drawn.1962J. Steinbeck Travels with Charley 221 He [sc. a dog] ran..and laughed and gave little yips of pure joy.1971Shankar's Weekly (Delhi) 4 Apr. 5/1 In the old days, there would have been a spate of..discussions... But today? Not a yip.
III. yip|jɪp|
colloq. pronunc. of yes. Cf. yep.
1934‘R. Crompton’ William—the Gangster iii. 49 ‘Is that a fair down there?’ ‘Yip,’ answered William.1954William & Moon Rocket i. 13 ‘That's fixed it,’ said the youth. ‘Yip,’ said the man.

